View Full Version : hello everyone....

22-11-11, 20:10
hello all.

well if you would told me a few years ago i would be logging on to website called no more panic,id have said you were crazy! now im the one that feels like is going crazy!
im a 27 year old shopfitter and have been suffering severe anxiety for around 3 years.but about 2 years ago i started having what i now know as panic attacks.
they started off maybe once every couple of months,now im in fear of having one everyday.its ruining my life.
ive just a little baby boy with my loving wife,both have a decent income and no financial worries...so what the hell am i panicing about!
i just feel so embarresed and feel as though im letting my family down.
the worse of my attacks came during my babys christening and i had to leave the church,another was getting on a plane for our first family holliday and couldnt get on the plane,ive left trolly loads of shopping in supermarkets,left family meals,even left my barbers half way through a hair cut!
ive had enough.im so glad to have found a site with like minded people on.
thanks for listening ....ads

22-11-11, 20:11
Hi ads-1984

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.