View Full Version : Nausea fear.. so scared!

22-11-11, 21:05
I've been feeling nauseous for almost 3 weeks now and it feels like its getting worse. I was prescribed anti-nausea meds last friday. They worked! but then I reacted very badly to them (fits and ended up in a&e) and so had to stop. Now all the amti-nausea drugs are out of my system and i'm feeling very sick again.

i feel exhausted and weak and panicky. I've been referred for an endoscopy but i'm not sure how long i'll be able to wait for. I'm so scared I have the dreaded c and just want to curl into a ball and cry.

does anyone else have any experience of nausea? I would really appreciate experiences.

Jess xxx

22-11-11, 21:41
Hi Jess,

Just wanted to send you :hugs:


22-11-11, 21:51
I have been emetophobic, and experienced strong nausea at the same time, I know its not pleasant, are there any other anti-nausea meds you could try with less of a risk?

22-11-11, 21:53
Hi Jess,

Hope you feel better soon, just try and relax (easier said then done) distract yourself with an activity of some sort? It will pass, are you still getting heartburn symptoms as that can also cause this.

22-11-11, 22:18
Hi Jessica,
Firstly I want to say I know how you feel. Some-times I get nausea out of nowhere that lasts for days to weeks and I think I have Cancer or something bad but it always goes away...you need to relax and take a breather. Anxiety/worrying definitely can cause this even if it seems like you weren't worrying when it happened, it can all be underlying stress that we exaggerate without realizing. Drink lots of fluids and don't stress out too much, the doctor should be able to prescribe something else for you but just make sure you relax and do things to get your mind off it like watch a movie or speak to fam/friends. Hope your feeling better and your happy and well soon - I'm sure you will be
xxxx Take care, light & love Sarah

23-11-11, 10:20
thank you so much for your reassuring words. I feel really tired, sick and dizzy today.. could barely get out of bed. I feel terrible for my fiance having to deal with me like this. i really just want to feel ok again. i cant even begin to think about going to work. :-(

i just dont really know what to do. i had a blood test in a&e that was ok.. but am really not sure why i still feel like this. going via the gp and waiting waiting seems to be going so slowly.

jess xxx

23-11-11, 15:19
Hi Jess,

I'm sorry you are still feeling unwell :hugs:

It was a traumatic experience going to A&E and will take time for your body to adjust again. It is not the nicest place to end up for an anxiety sufferer.

With regard to your fiancé, he will understand don't worry. We all have our good and bad times. Look after yourself.


23-11-11, 20:54
Hi Jess,

I get nausea often, and cannot pinpoint anything to it. I tend to think if it was that bad I would be sick.

Try not to worry as we must remember it is a classic symptom of HA.

Take care