View Full Version : Im new, Id like to say hi to every one

22-11-11, 21:44
Hi everyone, My name is Danny and Im 32, I was Diagnosed with aniexty on xmas eve last year, mind you, id been suffering all the symptons for years, going unchecked.
I just put every thing down to the stresses and strains of life.
What a journey it has been tho, I some times think back to the many times, I was ill, and often wonder why my wife didnt walk out on me.
I think she must have been really fed up with me, and she must have thought I wasnt normal, I sometimes began to think I wasnt normal:D.
Im been on 40mg of citalopram now for a while, I must say they have really helped me, but not without a lot of ups and downs on the way.
I still get occassional mild aniexty, but no where near as bad as what it was, , Any how enough of me, I d love to hear from any other members, that are also suffering.
Best wishes Danny

22-11-11, 21:45
Hi dandowns28

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

22-11-11, 22:24
Hi Danny, welcome, nice to hear that the meds are working for you - I'm also on cit 20mg for the past 7 weeks and still battling with the ups and downs at the moment but things are better than they were. Its a great site to find support in the hard times but great to help others and share advice too

22-11-11, 23:33
Hello Danny and welcome . I am sorry to hear it took so long for you to be diagnosed with Anxiety disorder..the physical & mental symptoms can be awful to live with and those closest to us cannot always understand what we are feeling. I too believe my partner deserves a medal as I have been awful on and off over the past few years. Glad to hear the cit is helping you now :) My doc has just prescribed it for me as I have been on diazepam for the past 3 weeks...very up and down but it has helped. Doc is worried about me becoming dependant on that so he thinks cit 20mg will help me in the long term. But I am so scared to take it...have heard some bad things about side effects in first few weeks and that frightens the hell out of me :ohmy: Anyway...your post is encouraging so maybe I'll pluck up the courage to start taking it tomorrow! We are all in this together and It's good to share our thoughts & feelings.
Good luck...keep up the good work!

25-11-11, 21:24
Hello kittikat, many thanks for your reply I must say that the citalopram has worked wonders for me, obvisouly they dont cure the problem completely, but by god they do help. I was very concerned about taking them at first, espeically after reading the patient leaflet, but I just told my self, that I have nothing to loose, and that I would give them ago.
They do take a while to get in your system, but as each day goes by, they gradually start to work, and you will notice a differance believe me.
I do sincerely hope that they do help you, please would you let me know how you get on with them and how fings go.
Best wishes and good luck, Danny

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

Hi there, im glad to hear you are taking some meds to help you, The citaolpram took around 2 weeks to get into my system, but I did start to notice a differance in how I was feeling, I went through what you are feeling now, the highs and lows, but at the end of this. you will be a differant person:D, I almost feel like a new man, well a good second hand one at least anyhow :). please let me know how fings go, and feel free to contact me when ever you feel the need, and I will try and help in any way I can, best wishes and good luck Danny

26-11-11, 00:28
Hello kittikat, many thanks for your reply I must say that the citalopram has worked wonders for me, obvisouly they dont cure the problem completely, but by god they do help. I was very concerned about taking them at first, espeically after reading the patient leaflet, but I just told my self, that I have nothing to loose, and that I would give them ago.
They do take a while to get in your system, but as each day goes by, they gradually start to work, and you will notice a differance believe me.
I do sincerely hope that they do help you, please would you let me know how you get on with them and how fings go.
Best wishes and good luck, Danny

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

Hi there, im glad to hear you are taking some meds to help you, The citaolpram took around 2 weeks to get into my system, but I did start to notice a differance in how I was feeling, I went through what you are feeling now, the highs and lows, but at the end of this. you will be a differant person:D, I almost feel like a new man, well a good second hand one at least anyhow :). please let me know how fings go, and feel free to contact me when ever you feel the need, and I will try and help in any way I can, best wishes and good luck Danny

Thanks Danny. Took my first Cit about 7pm last night but was so worried I cut it in half so 10mg...anyway within 1 hour felt drunk, couldnt focus on much and then became a bit agitated, snapping at my partner. Slept well but on waking this morning had the worst anxiety, fear, felt wobbly on my legs and whole body shaking...this all resulted in a panic attack so I took a 2mg diazepam. Felt ok for about an hour and when the other half had to go off to work it all started again :weep: I was scared to be on my own, crying for him not to go, and he had to call my mum to come and sit with me. I can't take another one, it scared me so much!! I don't have any probs with diaz but don't think doc will keep me on it much longer in case I get addicted. So..hey ho back to square one I guess. Don't really know what to do now but really appreciate your words of support. :)