View Full Version : Tender knee

30-05-06, 17:46
On my left knee, just to the left of the knee cap where it's all moving about if you prod it, squashy bits and muscle, it's been pretty tender to the touch for nearly 2 weeks. It doesn't to walk, just if I press on it. I'm worried it's bone cancer.

Anyone had this?

30-05-06, 17:51
Hi there ive also had this for the past couple of years my doctor diagnsed arthritis but I personally think its related to my anxiety as all my muscles are painful on a daily basis my doc didnt even send me for xray I wouldnt panic if I was you cause I used to think bone cancer but Ive had it so long I think Id be dead by now if it was something serious lol


30-05-06, 17:56
This is in one area though :(

30-05-06, 17:59
I know mine would be in a different part of my knee daily and would crack when I moved my knee. My sister-in-law also had some pain and had xray and was told it was just cartilage


30-05-06, 18:06
Mine's just stayed the same place and hasn't gone away at all.

30-05-06, 18:58
To ease your mind go get it checked out x

30-05-06, 19:59
i think ti is so true that if we touch something that is sore we make it worse. if it is only sore when you touch it then the logic is dont touch it

i doubt that something that is only sore to touch is cancer, i know hw hard it is not to focus and prod this thing but our muscles ache because they are tense, not because they are diseased

try not to worry


01-06-06, 12:50
Hi, I've suddenly got really scared about this over the past day. I didn't really think abolut it much before but suddenly it's my main focus. And today is my only exam in uni. I plan to see a doctor soon, back home.

I felt around and found some tube like things, (possibly lymph nodes, but I dunno if you get those in your knee) are swollen, in the part where the tenderness is. Is there anyone able to reassure me til I see someone?:(

01-06-06, 12:52
hi there,

I've had this problem on and off for years: my dad has the same- it's justa cartalige problem: sometimes it clears up by itself, sometimes you need a small op. It is very common ; try not to worry mate.

Shiv x

01-06-06, 12:55
So it's not life threatening (or leg-staying-on-me-threatening)?
And have you read my symptoms at the top of the page so I know we're talking about the same symtoms?

Sorry to be pedantic but I'm sure you knoew what it's like. :p

01-06-06, 13:08
I completely understand- I too have health anxiety. It sounds EXACTLY like what i have. It has come and go over the years- sometimes it just feels kind of numb at other times it's extremely painful and if I kneel on it or knock it- JESUS!!

Go to the docs. He'll probably be able to tell you straight away just by examining you.

Shiv x

01-06-06, 13:15
Thanks, I hope to. I'm not sure about the numbness (like you can't feel anything when you touch it?), haven't felt that yet, and I wouldn't be able to kneel on it as it's more to the side but I'll take your word for it that it's what you have and is nothing to worry about. So thanks.

I think my parents have plans for me to start to summer hols with a visit to the doctor to get rid of all my current worries.

03-06-06, 19:00
i have this as well. Do you get bruises on those spots??