View Full Version : Hi! It's me again

23-11-11, 01:56
i need help again. Im going crazy...it been a long time since i have been feeling well and fine. from 2010 to 2011 (only August 2011 started this again). It startred when i m lying down in bed suddenly felt so so dizzy, from then until tdy i have ben soo worried.after that ok, but that scared me alot, and it came back again last 2 weeks, as i lying down i felt so dizzy, i ran to see doctor, and my Blood pressure went up to 180/140. it's so scary, and my face all feel so hot like fire, and dizzy, that i can't even walk, im so scared, i keep on shivering and feeling so cold.he started me on Atenolol 50mg. now i don't wish to take atenolol causing me so much problem side efect, also gaining weight.and at times, i feel so so sleepy that i nearly feel like faint becos of my sleepy taht i cant even walk properly, so imbalnced. doc say anxiety that why i so sleepy, is it true?im 40 years old now.im going crazy, with all this coming now. pls hlep. everyday i am so scared to walk, and go work, becos of dizzy. can atenolol make me more dizzy?:weep:

23-11-11, 02:09
Hi alba

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-11-11, 04:09
thank you. im having so much symptoms now, it's really driving me crazy, until i am so afraid to go anywhere. last 2 days my bp went up to 180/? so high, face so hot and terrible dizziness, it's scaring me like mad. Till today i still feel it. now i must take atenolol 25mg(i hope to stop this medication causing me so sick, dizzy still here)not getting better with my dizzines,s i am still dizzy. i don't know if this got to do with Perimenapause? my hair is also dropping alot everyday. my h eart beating so fast. i am always so so sleepy every minute of my life, how am i suppose to go on like this. i don't know where to start, but i really hate taking atenolol. what should i do? worst i am so sleepy, feel like sleeping but cant' sleep. when i stand i feel so unbalanced, i m ust hold on to something. people find me so strange.