View Full Version : Blood in mucus

23-11-11, 06:31
i have had a bit of a cold for the past couple days, been waking up with an irratating cough and having lots of mucus stuck in my throat. This morning i had a lot stuck in my throat and i coughed it up (disgusting i know but i figured better than swallowing it) and it had streaks of blood in in, and the last couple of days when blowing my nose its had blood in also. Can anyone tell me if they have had the same? Im wondering if its just happening because of a cold and the amount of coughing and what not, or if anyone thinks it could be a sign of something serious?
Thank u

23-11-11, 07:32
I have read loads of posts on here about this and it has been completely harmless when having a cough and cold so I wouldn't worry too much unless it continues long term

23-11-11, 12:48
This happens a few times every time I have a cold. It is because your throat is so irritated. I wouldn't be concerned.