View Full Version : Citalopram query

23-11-11, 08:23

Just joined the site yesterday and already have questions if anyone can help? I have been on citalopram for a while but recently had a very bad patch and the dr upped my dosage to 60mg per day.

I picked up my script yesterday and the pharmacist told me that the maximum prescribed dose is now 40mg per day, I am seeing a psychiatrist next week but am a little worried that he or she is now going to change all meds and that I will be yo-yoing in mood again while that happens.....

Has anyone else come across this problem recently?

thanks x

23-11-11, 08:31
Hi Winnie1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

23-11-11, 10:31
Hi Winnie and :welcome:..Your pharmacy is right as 60mg is not any more beneficial than 40mg .I also carries health risks to be on 60mg ..Depending on your reasons, why you have now hit a bad patch will affect whether the Psychiatrist changes your meds or not .He may just perscribe something else you can take alongside the Cit and see how you get on .Lifestyle changes and other things you can do can also help you get through a bad patch .So please try to keep an open mind .I hope things improve for you soon .T/c luv Sue xxx

23-11-11, 11:15
Hi there was a thread on here a few days ago about this................apparantly docs can now only prescribe cit up to 40mg due to people suffering increased anxiety from being on a too higher dose??? xx

23-11-11, 12:51
Hi, yes i was on 60mg for a while , although my psyc dr, prescribed that dose and not my gp, however i felt the dose too high, and have gradually decreased and now take 25mg a day, i think there is something in that 60mg is no more beneficial than 40mg, just increased anxiety, but they may not change your meds, it may be that you are just going through a bad patch, and there is lots of ways you can get through that. good luck x

23-11-11, 18:19
Its not the increased anxiety it causes ,as this will often happen with an increase .for a short time . It can in some people cause heart problems.albeit rare ...Sue x