View Full Version : Burning sensation on left side of body!!

23-11-11, 11:40
please can anybody help have had this lump like sensation in my throat endoscopy and U/S showed nothing, now last night I felt this burning sensation on my left shoulder that moved upto my face it was hot and cold, then to my thigh, I am terrified that there is something wrong with me medically PLEASE share your exoerience with me, have a DR appt this afternoon....how can i deal with this? thanks

Rachel W
23-11-11, 15:35
A lump in the throat feeling can be caused by anxiety itself. Also I occasionally get post-nasal drip (just the sinuses emptying), and it can also give that sensation. Once you have it the more you think about it the worse it gets. In terms of the pain, it sounds like you may have pulled or strained a muscle or something and it may have put pressure on a nerve. Try to exercise a little to loosen it up.

I always get the odd ache and pain. I even get numb spots when I have been sitting too long at the computer. It doesn't sound serious.