View Full Version : convinced im going to die during my c section. how will I cope

23-11-11, 17:41
as title says.

Im convinced Im going to die :( the reason for the section to begin with is because I developed tokophobia (childbirth fear).. how am I going to get thru it?????

im so scared... what if my heart packs up or I have a terrible reaction to the spinal.. Or they give me a GA and I dont wake up and end up in a coma :(
how am I going to get thru this..

23-11-11, 17:49
Hi Jeanine :)

:hugs: I can understand why you would feel so worried. I'm a student midwife - perhaps I could help you if you have any questions?

I'm curious, did you have a normal birth with your sons? How were they?


23-11-11, 17:56
I had forceps, episiotomy with my first and a big tear in my cervix causing a bleed at 8cm dilated (major fetal distress) which traumatised me- with my second:(

I just phoned labour ward to confirm my time I need to be there and casually got into the conversation about the surgery... the woman starts going on about possible excessive bleeding resulting in hysterectomies etc etc and that although rare it does happen...

Im absolutely terrified now and I dont know what to do :(

23-11-11, 18:20
I guess it is one of those things that has to happen so there is no getting around it.

You need to keep calm for the baby or it will get stressed out.

Nothing will happen to you and you will be fine and in good hands.

Please stop worrying - have a lovely relaxaing bath and get some relaxation music on at the same time and chill out!

23-11-11, 18:31
Jeanine life is all about risks, but you must put those risks into perspective. The chances of you having any problems are so minimal they are not worth worrying about.
The way forward is to expect that you are going to be nervous, don't tense against it. Explain to the staff your fears and then just go with the flow.
I looked after many nervous ladies having their caesarian sections and none of them ever came to harm. I probably was present at hundreds as I worked on call in a major obstetric centre so seeing loads of emergency ones and I saw my fair share of elective ones over 23 years. You will be fine, just remember the more relaxed you are the better for baby.
Take care and let us know how you got on.

23-11-11, 19:06
I have the same worries hun...

I'm due in 3 months, and I'm convinced I will have major post-partum bleeding. I think we both need to think about the end result, and that is our babies in our arms. Childbirth in anymanner is scary however, we both have to do it.... Just like all the other women. I have already told my doctor to not let me tear. I would much rather have an episiotomy done. Letting my doctor know my wants and concerns makes me feel like I have a bit of control.

I wish you luck and please hang in there!

23-11-11, 19:21

they must have been a scary time for you, so it's natural that you're apprehensive this time!! :hugs:

However, you WILL cope. Like Ronski, I've seen a fair few c-sections and many many nervous ladies! Make sure the theatre staff know just how nervous you are (they'll probably be able to tell!) because the majority are brilliant at distracting/reassuring you and lightening the mood.

Try and be interested what is going on around you and make conversation about it - this way, you have something to talk about and it also takes the 'mystery' out of what is going on, which reassures me when I'm having a procedure - i.e. ask what the drip is for, how it works etc. Also, ask the anaesthetist if the machine alarms can be turned right down - my mum was an anaesthetic nurse and she used to make sure nervous patients couldn't see or hear machines if possible as it fuels anxiety!!

Have you had a look at CBT? Have a quick look at the online programme on this thread


It will give you some coping techniques for on the day

All the best and let us know how you and baby get on!! Do you know what you're having? (typical midwife question haha) xx

23-11-11, 19:30
You've had some great advice above from some professionals in the field, so sorry if I repeat some things in layman's terms.

The thing is, you WILL get through it. You have no option, the baby has to come out (scary thought as it is) and you have chosen a route that you think will be easier to deal with with your current fears. Are you having second thoughts and want a natural birth ?

You can either get through it kicking screaming and unhappy :winks:, or you can use every ounce of your emotional strength to tell yourself positive things ! It will be over in the twinkling of an eye and then you ahve the real hard stuff to deal with, the next 18 years LOL. SO many many people have Csections every single day in this country and anything 'going wrong' is so incredibly rare that is almost negligible risk.

Hearts don't just 'pack up' ! If (and I've never heard of this with a CS and a healthy heart) your heart stopped, then they will use the medical kit around and re-start it. If you had a reaction to something, then they can counteract it with other treatments/medicines.As I said on your other thread, they will keep such a close eye on you and you have to place some trust in the fact that they are experienced, highly qualified professionals.

When is the date ?

23-11-11, 19:35
Just wanted to say a huge good luck :bighug1:xxxx

rainbow dreamer
24-11-11, 11:37
hi...here is my story

iv had anxiety for years and years and having a baby was my hearts desire but my fears stopped me from trying ... long story short i eventually got pregnant and once pregnant i was still terrified but it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be... i use to worry WHAT IF my body wouldnt cope WHAT IF my baby didnt survive WHAT IF it played all my symptoms up WHAT IF i had to have a c sec WHAT IF i died in childbirth... and many more.... and this is what happened...

went for routine scan and they found problems with placenta and said i needed to be admitted in to hospital at 32 weeks pregnant...yes i cried yes i panicked as it was one of my worst fears but yes i did cope...i stayed in hospital a few nights and it was managable far more than i imagined .... after 2 nights of constant monitering they said the baby was is distress and his heart was dropping and i had to have an emergency c section... they failed at an epidural and put me to sleep.... at the time i was fairly calm which was unthinkable ... i lent on the people who were helping me there.... i didnt feel alone..... it was only after the c section and once i was home that the panic attacks started again due to the trauma i had...

my point is your body and mind copes sooo much better than you think possible in situations that you have to... the fear is overwhelming but you do cope.... this was only 3 weeks ago ..baby doing well in neonatal care and im geting over the trauma ..... but just remember at the time YOU DO COPE ...give your body and mind some credit....

good luck you will get through it... and those fears are understandable but you will cope

24-11-11, 12:35
In feb i had an emergency c section due to my daughter getting stuck and my uterus tearing, and i lost so much blood i had to have a transfusion. After the stress and experience i went through there which adds even worse the fact i have a really bad panic and health anxiety disorder.. i felt that id never go through that again, However i am pregnant now and due in April and they say i have to have an elected caeseran (cnt spell it lol) because my uterus couldnt handle it. So i am also like you.. having this play on my mind even though its a while off yet. But i got all kidns going through my mind such as what if my waters break early and what not, However i can remember how out of it i felt and tired when having it done, and all i can give advice wise to u is that they are very aware of everything, they have everything covered, such as they know your bloodgroup so they have fusions ready, there is more than one person there, someone talking you through whats happening and someone there for reassurance (not to mention who is with u for support anyway) and as for your heart.. they are constanly monitoring your heart and they are prepared for the slightest of challenges. All you need to have in your mind is that the outcome is so worth it. Your in the best place for a panic attack to happen. Your breathing, your heart, your state of mind, and just everything overall is specificly getting monitored!

And the amount of celebrities and i just think people in general who opt for a section as opposed to having a natural birth (as they put it) is so high.