View Full Version : bloods back.

23-11-11, 18:53
I had all my bloods done on monday, fbc,thyroid,glucose and A&U (whatever that is) and all were ok. I thought i would have been so relieved that i would feel great but i dont. My neck and right up behind my ear up to my temple on my left has been really sore for over a week, syndol relieves it but when they wear off its awful. It even hurts when i swallow,cough, bend or turn my head side to side and makes me have a constant bad head. My doctor said tension headache but its there all the time and its making me bad tempered. Anyone else have this and if so how do you get rid of it? Massage? Chiropractor? Any ideas?

23-11-11, 19:02
I think you mean U's & E's with the blood test.

Fab news they are ok.

23-11-11, 19:04
Yea i thought it didnt sound right ha u's and e's. Still dont know what it is.

23-11-11, 19:17
U+E stands for urea and electrolytes, and is a measure of kidney function.

23-11-11, 19:20
So according to all my bloods i am healthy :ohmy:.

23-11-11, 19:22
Yes - which is good news not bad!

23-11-11, 19:24
I know i thought i would have been so much better when i rang the docs but this head/neck ache is getting me down.

23-11-11, 20:36
I've had also a full set of bloods came back all normal which is good, but we don't seem to focus on the good when we are anxious do we? I've had headaches/neckaches like you describe too, mine lasted for eight days then all of a sudden went away. My mum did a bit of massage and smoothing on my head, and I wore a neck support for a few days aswell. It sounds just like tension to me. x

23-11-11, 20:59

Sounds familiar to me. I have had neck pain now for 3 weeks it radiates down my shoulder and tingles all over the neck. the worst spot to touch is behind my ear.
I am waiting for bloods to come back.

But I have seen my osteopath who said my c3/4 vertabrae were twisted this was pulling on the muscle/ligaments on that side. Since she has done her thing it's got worse but that might be down to readjustment.

I hope you get yours sorted, necks can be a bugger apparently but very treatable.:)