View Full Version : has anyone found the answer to a good nights sleep?

23-11-11, 19:22
:wacko:I have generalised anxiety. I don't have panic attacks that come and go because its there all the time in varying degrees. The biggest problem for me is getting some sleep. I can lay there all night wide awake, sometimes i feel wired, my mind chatters, worries or sings songs that won't stop. On the odd occasion I do get some sleep the day seems so much easier to get through and the anxiety is reduced, so I feel its the key to my recovery. I've tried zolpidem on prescription but I avoid taking them unless I'm desperate because they make me foggy headed at work, which is the same as if I haven't slept so slightly pointless really. I've tried valerian which sort of helps but not sure about taking it long term. Has anyone got any good natural remedies I could try. I want to carry on working and not let this stop me but I get so exhausted. I just want to get some sleep so any ideas are gratefully received.....waiting in hope....

23-11-11, 19:27
Hi i found sominex sleeping tablet that u buy over the counter at the chemist helped me, it didn't knock me out but def helped me drift off, ive tried nytol but that didn't work!! also night nurse works a treat (liquid form tho) :) xx

23-11-11, 20:12
I can usually sleep well, despite my anxiety which is good, but sometimes I'll have 'zaps' of anxiety as I'm trying to sleep. I've never taken any sleeping medication, I just try and do some breathing, read a book or tense and relax my muscles. Hope you get some proper sleep soon and more regularly. x

24-11-11, 10:08
:wacko:I have generalised anxiety. I don't have panic attacks that come and go because its there all the time in varying degrees. The biggest problem for me is getting some sleep. I can lay there all night wide awake, sometimes i feel wired, my mind chatters, worries or sings songs that won't stop. On the odd occasion I do get some sleep the day seems so much easier to get through and the anxiety is reduced, so I feel its the key to my recovery. I've tried zolpidem on prescription but I avoid taking them unless I'm desperate because they make me foggy headed at work, which is the same as if I haven't slept so slightly pointless really. I've tried valerian which sort of helps but not sure about taking it long term. Has anyone got any good natural remedies I could try. I want to carry on working and not let this stop me but I get so exhausted. I just want to get some sleep so any ideas are gratefully received.....waiting in hope....


You're in the same boat as me. I am haveing terrible trouble sleeping at the moment. Am on Tamazepam but still been awake since 2 am this morning.

I also have GAD and feel as though I could beat it if I could just get a good nights sleep.


24-11-11, 13:56
Not sleeping is the worst, I was doing ok with it until I've gone back to work and now its back with a vengeance :weep:

24-11-11, 17:22
Oh thank you for your replies it means a lot and although I don't want another single soul to feel as tired as I do some days its good to know I'm not alone. I didn't sleep at all last night again but I got through a half day at work. I know if I had some decent sleep I'd be super effecient rather than second checking everything, setting reminders etc. My anxiety always gets worse the longer I go without sleep, I've read that lack of sleep makes people more susceptible to anxiety but quite honestly I don't know if its lack of sleep giving me anxiety or anxiety stopping me from sleeping. I have tried all sorts of things to help me sleep and the tiniest suggestion that might help is appreciated. I have been and bought some night nurse to see if that helps but I know its not a long term solution. I'd rather not take anything but it gets so out of hand that I turn to the sleeping tablets again just to give my body a rest. If only the doctor was more understanding. I told him last time that if he didn't give me some sleeping tablets then I would need a sick certificate because I couln't go another day without sleep. He did give me some but said that I would end up dependent. I never take more than one a week because I don't need dependency on top of everything else but what is the answer? I took valerian and for two nights I slept like a log, I started to feel absolutely great and was so bright and alert I wanted to cry with joy but then all of a sudden it doesn't seem to work. Having had that feeling of being refreshed after some proper undisturbed sleep I'm sure that getting some real rest is the answer for me.

24-11-11, 17:33
Im trying to find a sleeping remedy also and im just like you JOSIEJOE. I find its worse at night as i can think and think to my hearts content,which in turn means anxiety,anxiety. So you think valerian is good?

---------- Post added at 17:33 ---------- Previous post was at 17:31 ----------

Im sick of always having broken nights sleep and i sleep a few hours in the day. I just can't get out of this pattern at the moment and littleist thing wakes me up.

24-11-11, 17:50
Mirtazapine ended my 2 years of insomnia sleeping just 2-4 hours a night. It worked from the first day I took it and is still working 7 months later. I get no side effects and feel fully awake during the day. I take a low dose 15mg. It is not addictive and is safe to take long term.

24-11-11, 18:08
sleep always been an issue for me, right now sleeping too much at wrong time, 6 weeks into citalopram - some good improvment in mood etc but tired too much.
Oldtime, are you taking other meds?

24-11-11, 18:23
I have taken 20mg cit since feb11 and added 15mg mirt in May.

I'm now down to 10mg cit + 15mg mirt, hope to be taking only the mirt by the end of the year as I feel fine. Best to ramp down very slowly though!

24-11-11, 20:18
margrtking - Last week I took 3 passion flower during the day and then took one valerian at night. Slept like a log. Did exactly the same the next day and again slept like a log. No brain fog or ill effects and felt great. But then on trying the same again the next day I was awake all night. Maybe its because I need to take a break and just use it when I need it but initially it did work. The herbalist I speak to recommended I eat a couple of oatcakes before bed as it could be low blood sugar or just hunger so I tried that too. First night had an ok-ish night, second night awake all night. It seems that things only work occasionally, but they are certainly worth a try even if they only give temporary relief. Valerian is cheap approx £4/5, passion flower about the same and oat cakes 80p so all worth a dabble but not miracle cures. I've just had 2 nights of no sleep, I can't nap either as have a job and family so night time is the only opportunity to sleep for me. Sometimes I can go 10 days without sleep at which point I'm at the doctors door. Its so unfair not being able to sleep its such a basic thing in life but can ruin your quality of life completely.
Dan 1975 - you could try the above but not sure about mixing with meds from docs.

---------- Post added at 20:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

Tried Citalopram but didn't get on very well at all. I don't think I'm depressed so maybe it was just the wrong med. I'm a bit reluctant to try other antidepressants when I'm not convinced they'll help with the anxiety or my sleep problem. Despite the anxiety and insomnia my mood is quite even. Still convinced if I could crack the sleep problem I could fight off everything else.

26-11-11, 10:06
Awake all night again. Joy!

27-11-11, 09:27
Hi i found sominex sleeping tablet that u buy over the counter at the chemist helped me, it didn't knock me out but def helped me drift off, ive tried nytol but that didn't work!! also night nurse works a treat (liquid form tho) :) xx

Thanks tried the night nurse twice now and it did work and no ill effects. Slept reasonably well both times, woke up a couple of times but got back off. At least I have something I can resort to if things get too bad rather than sleeping tablets. I will try sominex too next time I get to chemist. Thanks for the advice.

03-12-11, 19:42
Hi Josiejoe i went to the herbal shop the other day and i got some valerine root and some camomile tea and i have slept like a log ever since.That was a week ago now and im still fine. Thats one tablet of valerian root i have not needed to take two in the mornin i have felt so chilled and it has lasted to dinner time.Normally i wake up and find im stressed to the hilt before i even get out of bed. I may try that lemon balm next.

04-12-11, 20:29
:wacko:I have generalised anxiety. I don't have panic attacks that come and go because its there all the time in varying degrees. The biggest problem for me is getting some sleep. I can lay there all night wide awake, sometimes i feel wired, my mind chatters, worries or sings songs that won't stop. On the odd occasion I do get some sleep the day seems so much easier to get through and the anxiety is reduced, so I feel its the key to my recovery. I've tried zolpidem on prescription but I avoid taking them unless I'm desperate because they make me foggy headed at work, which is the same as if I haven't slept so slightly pointless really. I've tried valerian which sort of helps but not sure about taking it long term. Has anyone got any good natural remedies I could try. I want to carry on working and not let this stop me but I get so exhausted. I just want to get some sleep so any ideas are gratefully received.....waiting in hope....

Melatonin,says it all

04-12-11, 20:32
i have no problems with sleeping, although i wake up atleast once during the night for no reason. Its usually around the same sort of time (4am, 5am)