View Full Version : pelvic pain, smear test,

23-11-11, 20:36
Should be my last ever post in this thread.
I've been getting on and off pelvic pain, sometimes it stabs me, Im spose to of had a smear test over a year ago now but kept putting it off, i've not had sex (by choice) mainly cos I have other problems below and it's embarrasing so always turn it down, and also now my anxiety stops me, And that's one reason why I won't get a smear. But now i'm in pain I feel like 'what if ive left it too late'?, maybe it could be cervical C.
But how will they give me a smear,? What if they say I won't need one. I've had swabs but they couldnt find owt and they never believe me when I say ive had no sex!
I get bad discharge and I dread it ever being pink,(tmi)

25-11-11, 13:39
Go get checked out..ease your mind. Yearly pap smears should be routine.