View Full Version : Muscle Weakness

23-11-11, 20:43
Hi all,

Having a bit of a hard time worrying about ALS at the moment, I have a lot of muscle twitching and when I write my hand feels like its aching, also I have a lot of neck and shoulder pain.

2 Questions if someone knows the answer I would be most grateful.

1. Muscle twitching in lots of different muscles, would this be a sign of anxiety and not ALS.

2. How do you define muscle weakness as this seems to be the main symptom of ALS, I keep thinking are my muscles weak, and checking by lifting heavy objects( mad i know). They feel funny but thry might just be aching. Does anyone know what muscle weakness would feel like?????

Many thanks:)

23-11-11, 20:57
I have muscle twiching and spasms all over for the past 6 months awful isnt it! i have stiffness on my neck aswell and weakness on my left arm and its anxiety not als or ms or any other neurological disease.Twitches are very common with anxiety and stress and the stiffness in neck is due to muscle tension and as for muscle weakness is due to tight muscles mine has got better over time im also using magnesium oil which helps take care try to relax:hugs:

23-11-11, 21:02
cheers fluff, but what does muscle weakness feel like. I mean is it a struggle to lift up an arm, also can you notice a muscle is smaller say in your bicep.:)

23-11-11, 22:36
I have the same fear as you, I have twitches all over my body and it really freaks me out! Yoga helps, you should try it.

23-11-11, 23:53
It weird really my left arm just feels weaker than my right i can tell theres less strength in it but remember its just tight muscles.Oh and i get the lovely pins and needles aswell if i get really stressed.I can still lift my arm up the muscle look the same size oh dear now im checking feel free to pm me anytime:)