View Full Version : bowel movement issues (you've been warned)

Anxiety Jim
24-11-11, 00:00

For the past week now my bowel movements have been bright yellow (every time), and for the past two days they've been very watery (diarrhoea) and appear to be combined with a clear mucus.

I'm terrified that I've got a fatal disease, pancreatic cancer, liver failure etc

And to make things worse my urine is sometimes very dark in colour (orange/brown) and sometimes cloudy.

More about me:

I'm 23 years old, severely obese at 24 stone (150 kg), with mild high blood pressure.

I plan on registering temporaly with a loca GP until I move back home in a few weeks, and see what they have to say.

Anyone got any advice or had similar? I'm terrified of the cancer diagnosis.


24-11-11, 00:35
Sounds normal to me lol

Bowel movements change colour all the time.

We have literally hundreds of posts about this already on here so I have read them all and nothing in what you are saying worries me to be honest.

Of course you need to get a GP to check things but it could be anything to be honest - diet, IBS etc.

Don't worry about it too much ok

24-11-11, 04:57
yep sounds pretty normal to me too. I do have ibs though. The hormones that make you anxious are the same ones that control the contractions in your gut, so most people that have anxiety of some kind will be well versed in seemingly 'abnormal poos'
dont worry much about it.