View Full Version : stress, heartburn, wind, pain and fed up!

24-11-11, 00:08
I haven't been on here for a while and I was feeling pretty good. I have been eating a healthy diet and running and I was keeping my anxiety in check.

I don't know what has happened over the weekend but I have had a major slump. I think it started when I was called into work on my day off because someone else was ill and this upset my route. Plus I had a stressful incident which my boss let me to deal with when it was her fault it happened in the first place.

I had planned a day out with a friend which meant travelling by bus by myself and I got a bit stressed again, and even more stressed going home I felt very sick and stuffed myself with unhealthy food when I got home. Sunday I planned a day to recover and of course my plans didn't work out, MIL asked us out for dinner. We had pizza which afterwards I felt sick again.

I have been feeling tension in my chest and starting worrying about it being my heart. ( I have had this before and had it checked and they never find anything wrong). It got so bad it became a constant pain and although my heart wasn't racing I felt it was and I felt myself getting more and more uptight. I took some Kalms and don't know if it was them or the rubbish food I had been eating I took really bad heartburn and nothing would help it.

I have had 2 really bad nights waking up with burning and chest pain, I have had GERD in the past and know the feeling. Now I have the worst ever trapped wind in my chest which is making my shoulders ache.

I am living on Gaviscon and drinking hot water with baking soda to try and keep the heartburn at bay. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or drink it just makes me feel terrible.

I haven't felt well enough to run because I still worry the chest pain has something to do with my heart, even though the pain doesn't get worse when I exercise and my breathing is fine.

My mum has had the same problem for years and she was always convinced she was having a heart attack. She is nearly 80 and fighting fit. I just hate feeling so ill, when I try so hard to keep myself fit and healthy.

24-11-11, 02:42
I feel your pain! I get these feelings all the time and I'm so tired of them and living on Tums! Even when I don't feel particularly anxious it comes from no where, making me more anxious..completing the viscious cycle.

I'm also scared of exercise because I'm afraid somethings wrong with my heart although many tests have proved otherwise.
It's extremely frustrating...hope you feel better soon!

24-11-11, 03:12
Thanks for taking the time to reply Jessica. I am feeling a bit better today, even though I find it difficult to sleep. I am being overly careful what I eat and taking rescue remedy, and doing some light exercise.

I love running but I worry so much about my heart I tense up and probably make the muscle pain worse. I am really feeling it in my neck and glands, like a really tight spring totally wound up.

I really need my sleep and having not being able to get my full 8 hours isn't helping either. I do find massaging my chest, shoulders and neck area is helping a bit.

Take care x