View Full Version : New Medication...HA is sky high!!!

24-11-11, 00:49
Hi everyone!
Well a week ago I started taking a new medication (paroxetine) and I'm having trouble dealing with the side effects (nausea, no appetite, insomnia). Since I suffer from severe HA, and am always obsessed that I have an undiagnosed serious illness, these extra sensations from starting a new med are putting me over the edge!! Especially the constant churning stomach and tiredness.

It's all I think about 24/7... Haven't left the house in days, keep crying and telling those around me that I know I'm dying despite all the doctor visits and testing. Has anyone with severe HA been able to overcome the side effects of a medication while waiting for it to work??? I don't want to give up like I did on the last two antidepressants, but I'm feeling so sick and tired of this!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Xx

24-11-11, 09:31
I am in week 4 of Sertraline and am feeling just the same. I am so afraid that I am feeling so bad. I just keep telling myself that the meds will kick in and that I will feel better soon.

24-11-11, 10:10
Oh I do feel for you :hugs:

I suffer from HA & when I started Prozac I was like you.....it was HORRID!!!
I noticed every new side effect & thought I was going mad for a while.
It's just the meds kicking in, nothing to worry about.
This is going to HELP you, not make you worse. Remember it's going to take a few months to kick in properly & for you to get the full benefits of it, so give it time & help yourself while you are waiting for that to happen.

It's worth it when it does :yahoo:
Stick with it!!!!!!!

Love Emily x

24-11-11, 10:26
I know what you're going through. My HA was out of control but I am on week 5 of Sertraline and it's helping. Try and stick it out, it will be worth it.

24-11-11, 10:48
I am going thru the same and currently on day 4 of Sertraline - but I take great comfort in what everyone on here is telling me - that it will benefit me in the end.

24-11-11, 23:15
Thanks for all your replies!! I'm still feeling sick, been in bed almost all day. It's Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S but am too sick to go and celebrate with my family. Anxiety is high, stomach churning, any food I attempt to eat feels stuck in my throat. I don't know how much longer I will be able to stay on my medication if the side effects don't lessen soon. Thanks for your support!!! I really needed it today..

25-11-11, 00:15
Paroxetine really helped me a lot, but everyone reacts differently to different meds.

Can you take some diazepem in the short time until the initial side effects subside?

:hugs: x