View Full Version : Abdominal and lower back pain

24-11-11, 08:16
Hi Guyz, I haven't been on for a while as I think I had been lulled in to a false sense of security believing that I was better! Anyway the pain in my lower abdomen has never really gone away but now I am really starting to worry about it again. Its like a constant dull throbbing which is ther about 80% of the time and every other day I get pain in my lower back and I struggle to bend over. Of course I am thinking this is something sinister like ovarian, bladder or some other form of cancer! I am now 40 and just wondering if this is all part of the female body getting older with all new aches and pains to contend with. Does any other ladies have constant trouble with their abdomen? I have had my stomach felt a couple of times by docs a few months ago and they cudnt find any new lumps or bumps. I think its because the ache is almost constant now which is worrying me. Can anyone else share their aches and pains with me so I can have a good old moan with other people! My husband gets fed up of me mentioning avery new ache and pain lol!

24-11-11, 10:27
I think there must be something about turning 40 as I feel likeI have been totally falling apart physically in the last few months. I have constant aches in pains (posted on here about an upper abdo pain that lasted weeks). The muscles in my upper legs and thighs have been hutring for no apparent reason, I have a mouth full of ulcers and since September, I have had kidney stones, b12 deficiency, iron deficiency, hypothyroidism, and a persistently dislocating ligament in my finger diagnosed (well, you did say you wanted aches and pains shared!). A couple of years ago I had lower abdominal pain for four months persistently and I was convinced it was some kind of cancer, but a scan showed nothing and it eventually subsided. I am very stressed at the moment though, so I wonder how much of it is down to that?

24-11-11, 12:48
I reckon it must have something to do with turning 40 as I have only been 40 for 6 weeks and since then I have had a loose tooth, eczema around my eyes, I had a dreadful cold which turned into a siinus infection which had me collapsing at work, and I have got all my tummy and back troubles back to haunt me. Perhaps this is our bodies way of letting us know what's to come. Thanks for your reply it did make me feel better knowing that someone else has had this and it was nothing sinister. I think its when I am getting excited about certain events I start gettiing more anxious about my health and worrying that I won't be able to enjoy these nice times, cause something bad will happen, guess I may have to go back to taking one day at a time xxx

24-11-11, 17:20
I know what you mean! I turned 40 a week ago, but I feel like all the aches and pains have been in the lead up to the big 4-0. I keep wondering what I'll feel like at 80 if I feel old at 40. A friend of mine who is not affected by HA at all also turned 40 this year and she has had countless aches and pains too for the last few months when previously she'd always felt fine. Maybe 40 is the new 60 for us!