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24-11-11, 09:55
I was wondering how you all cope with your other halves and how do they cope with your illlness? I am cold and distant and will not let him into my head and i push hime away alot. Any one else the same? How do you all cope? Are your partners sympathetic? My partner is but only up to a point and sometimes i wonder if he is on eggshells and too scared to do things with me like ordinary women as he may thing it will upset me .

24-11-11, 10:23
Mine didn't. After 7 years of being together.
I would rather be on my own than have someone who can't accept me at my worst - they don't deserve my better bits. So I ended that relationship.

On the other hand...if you want him to understand what you are going through, you must be willing to talk about it. It's very hard for someone to understand an illness they haven't experienced themselves.

24-11-11, 14:08
my husband was a saint when i was at my worse, did everything for me, although i don't think he trully understood, he was so supportive, and even now praises my efforts on my road to recovery. so lucky me!!!

24-11-11, 14:56
My hubby is fab too. He totally understands what I am going through but even so I find myself holding back as I dont think its fair to be putting all my grief onto him and maybe upsetting him as well.

24-11-11, 16:09
My hubby is quite good with putting up with me - LOL!! I'm not sure if he understands all the time and I know he gets fed up of having the same conversation with me over and over again as to how I'm feeling but he's always there. When I was at my worst he did everyhting for me and the kids because I couldn't. I don't always tell him exactly how I'm feeling because its easier that way, because I would probably almost permanently be saying I don't feel very well!!

24-11-11, 16:12
Exactly the same Ellie-Bear.