View Full Version : withdrawal symptoms

24-11-11, 10:23
hi everyone, ive recently come off of 50mg sertraline. the last couple of weeks ive felt really sick all day every day, i have no energy (i really struggle to get out of bed) my body aches and im really emotional. are these normal withdrawal symptoms when comming off meds? im really worried that im going back to how i was before :weep:

24-11-11, 12:43
yeah and very up n down with mood swings and anxiety n depression . xx withdrawal can last anything from 2 weeks to 3 months , i know coz im on week 6 .

29-02-12, 17:07
I have gone back on citalopram 40mg. Been back on it for about 3 weeks now. My head is feeling better and thinking better now, but I seem to have all these weird feelings in my legs, and stomach. I also have very sweaty hands, very anxious. Could this be due to sertraline withdrawal symptons, and my GP just swapped me over and did not taper me off. Please help as I feel like I am going mad.