View Full Version : writing trouble, please help

31-05-06, 01:30

I've been feeling generally better. I think the prozac is doing the trick for me. I've not been having to take the klonopin often at all. I'm still dizzy with my bppv, but the last thing that's really freaking me out and not getting better is my handwriting. It's making me think horrible things. I feel like it takes me a lot longer to write, I really have to take my time and think about it to make it neat, my arm feels tired/cramped really fast, and I generally feel clumsier with my left hand(I'm left-handed) and drop things ALOT. Has anyone ever had this happen? Please respond. I'm about to go into full panic mode and start symptom-surfing to see what could be wrong ! Talk to you soon.


31-05-06, 01:53
Don't worry April - my handwriting is terrible at the moment and I do it for a living! I think it's partly because I use a keyboard way too much these days, but mostly because stress/anxiety and the muscular tension that goes with it really takes it out of you physically. I just think it takes quite a long time to get stronger to manage the more fiddly things in life.

Glad that you are feeling better generally though. Keep up the good work and stay positive! Give it time - you'll be fine.

Eeb x

31-05-06, 08:31
I also think tension and shakiness can make your handwriting worse, my anxiety makes me feel like i can't write properly, it also takes longer as I have to work harder to concentrate. Hope the BPPV clears up soon, I've been doing the exercises again as I had a bout of dizziness last week and I feel better now.
Take care


'This too will pass'

31-05-06, 08:35
Hi April,

Just recently my anxiety ramped up a lot and I had lots of aching muscles etc... I found that the muscles in my writing hand became very tense and stiff, my hand became much less flexible. I imagine it might be what arthritis feels like.

It made my writing very messy [it's never that great!], but I had to really concentrate. It began to feel like I couldn't write. This lasted on and off for a week or so. When I get anxious it can come back a little.

I also had a tremor which made it more difficult to write in a steady fashion.

My experience is that it does pass and eventually returns to normal.

Hope this helps,

~~~ It is a poor heart, and a poorer age, that cannot accept the conditions of life with some heroic readiness. RLS. ~~~

31-05-06, 12:10
Have you ever tried writing just after a laughing fit and you can't can't grip the pen properly, or when your offspring shove a pen and paper in front of your nose while you are still waking up (sicknote for school)!!!

I tell you I can't grip a pen to save my life let along string some words together so its hardly surprising if this also happens when we are anxious too.

Don't worry about it mate it happens to all of us.[:I]:D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-05-06, 16:22
Yhanks you guys! You make me feel better. It worries me because it's been going on for about a month now (the bad handwriting thing). Of course, my ind feels this is WAY TOO LONG to be attributed to anxiety...ergo, a deadly disease.

Take care,