View Full Version : 10 positive steps

24-11-11, 11:15
I decided to make a list of 10 things I can do to help myself...

1. Research foods that trigger and help acid reflux and cut down on tablets.

2. Made myself smoothie with celery, cucumber, apple and avocado.

3. Had relaxing hot bath, soaked towel in bath and placed over chest and shoulders and it helped the aches.

4. Deep breathing exercises.

5. Realise I have to stop pushing myself too hard, cut back on my running as I was forcing myself to run 4 miles without stopping.

6. Have fun bouncing on my mini trampoline.

7. Realise that not eating is as bad as overeating or eating junk

8. Be happy to be age 39, 5 '2" and 9 stone 3lbs

9. Stop trying to be superwoman, all things to all people and not looking after me

10. Find time to do things I enjoy without getting stressed .... chill !!

24-11-11, 11:32
What a great list! Good luck :-)