View Full Version : continual fluttering of the heart

jaded jean
24-11-11, 16:40
I have NEVER suffered this before . I have been given deadlines to finish before I go on holiday My employers are aware of my anxiety and have to observe the DDA - I am going to New Zealand- some might say ooh lucky lady but I am terrified . Its taken my hubby 25 years to get me there . and this combined with the workload I had today didnt help how I was feeling . My heart has been fluttering for the last hour or so Its the fear of something or other but I dont know how to address it I have been belly breathing to no avail its scary -any ideas people please ???

24-11-11, 19:22
my friend has this whenever she is stressed - came on in her early 50s - went to docs and told it was simply stress - confimed by ecg -

you have absolutely nothing to worry about my dear...:)

jaded jean
24-11-11, 19:25
Oh bless you I am so worrying about it I have had anxiety for 20 years on and off but never had this happen before and yes fifties is my age range too so question answered . flippin thing .
thanks again xx

24-11-11, 20:08
lol..you,me and half the world jean, for the last 20 yrs i've had periods of deep breathing, daily headaches, stomach problems, swallowing problems,sleep problems,all anxiety related, the birth of the internet only made it worse as i trawled through the pages self diagnosing each problem with the worst scenario........i've lost count how many times i've had cancer............

I hold a high position job, am mr steady eddy and swim 40 lengths a day.......yet i constantly worry.....

you are not alone...;)

24-11-11, 22:06
Hiyer, my 'flutterings' or ectopic beats if you prefer (I think we are talking about the same thing, where your heart skips about does some slow 'missed' beats and then a few fast ones to catch up) started two years ago after an exceedingly stressful day. They now come and go in severity, whether I am feeling stressed or not, and they have just become routine for me every day. So, firstly, don't worry about them happening as they are not symptomatic of anything wrong with your heart ! I think that if you can just accept them and see them as nothing important, then they are more likely to just disappear. For some reason for me, mine are set off by eating large meals ( there are theories that a nerve near the stomach, the vagus nerve, can be stimulated and cause the 'flutterings' ) so you could try eating light meals and snacks and see if that helps. Also, mine disappear when I am exercising, oddly, so you could also try that ?
Ps. I am in the 40's age range, so not far from you !

jaded jean
25-11-11, 06:22
Hello again. yes I can see the connection of this problem but I am scared at the fact that I will not be able to do my work as overloaded too. I am picking up stuff to do for someone on long term sick and now I am as I mentioned in first thread having to finish al s/p's before I go away to me that feels like putting the pressure on am I feeling too sorry for myself?? I feel I cannot do the job anymore if I admit defeat tho?