View Full Version : one for the ladies (sorry guys)!!!!!

31-05-06, 11:34
hi just wanted your advice ive just had my blood test results back (been feeling nervous all weekend)and im anemic she said ive got a low iron reading,i have been anemic before (due to my really heavy periods!!)SORRY!!!but i was wondering wether this is why i have been feeling dizzy and faint??the receptionist said the doctor will see me on tuesday to precribe iron tablets and im taking a bit of comfort that she doesnt want to see me straight away!!!!have any of you had this problem before?i would really love to hear back from you thanks take care rachel x x x

31-05-06, 11:47
hi ceecee

i have suffered with heavy periods for over 5 years and this has caused anemia twice. it made me feelt dizzy weak and constantly tired but once you start taking iron tablets it doesnt take long for them to kick in and you start feeling better but they do have the lovely side effect of turning your poo black LOL. i had a coil fitted last year to help woth the heavy bleeding i think its called a mirena so maybe that could be of help to you as i hard bleed at all now.
i hope this has helped you
take care

31-05-06, 12:52
I'm 99.9% sure that the reason you've been feeling ill is you are anemic. I've been anemic several times. Have had heavy periods for 16 years due to having weak blood vessels. Your doc will prescribe you with ferrous sulphate probably around 200mg. You'll feel better in no time. I know it's hard to beleive it can be so simple when you feel so ill but it is. I thought I was dying the last time I was anemic.

31-05-06, 13:31
I get heavy periods sometimes, does that mean I could be anemic? Because I think I have a few of the sypmtoms e.g. I am always tired etc.

x x

31-05-06, 15:24
I have had this a few times too. Once that iron kicks in, you will feel like a new woman!!

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-05-06, 15:55
I was anemic during pregnancy and prescribed iron tablets,yes anemia can cause tiredness and dizziness and im sure you'll feel much much better once you start taking your iron!
Also vitamin c helps the absorbtion of iron.
Take care xx

31-05-06, 16:55
thankyou all for your replies!it really does help to know we are not alone!!!you,ve all been a great help THANKYOU!take care all rachel x xp.s scooby if you do feel worn out it may be worth getting a blood test as i only went through getting palpitations!!x x

31-05-06, 18:45
Yes Ive been there, done that many times and yes Hayley the coil is the mirena, it is marvellous and cured my anaemia and saved me having a hysterectomy,
If you pay for prescriptions ask at the counter as I found ferrous sulphate cheaper to buy over the counter.
Boots chemist tell you usually,

02-06-06, 16:35
Tranexamic Acid is great for heavy periods...saves you using the coil which can cause more probs in the long run.