View Full Version : Starting again after i thought it had gone

cheesy pete
24-11-11, 22:22
Had an endoscopy a year ago and diagnosed with a small hiatus hernia and to be honest of late i have felt very well. However this week i have been very busy and stressed at work and i can feel all the symptoms rushing back. Feel bloated after eating, lots of burping, pains in back around the shoulder blades, stomach pain, indigestion. The worst part is that i then start to worry about feeling awful again and this stress only makes it worse. I just wish it would go away - losing my mind at times that i just want to cry :weep:

Please tell me this is just stress!!!!

25-11-11, 11:58
It could well be just stress. I know when I am stressed and anxious my body 'creates' pains and symptoms for things I don't have because I am worrying I have them. But as you've been diagnosed with the hernia previously its worth just popping to the doctor's to have a check up. At least then, if there isn't anything wrong you can have that peace of mind which will help.

cheesy pete
28-11-11, 20:55
Thanks for the advice. Seem to be suffering from all sorts in this few weeks. At times I feel like i have a lump in throat or i'm choking and then my ribs or sides ache. Just trying to get through it...

29-11-11, 05:27
I get all those symptoms and was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome. The weird thing is is that Ive tried everything under the sun in pills and other remedies that are out for IBS through the pharmacy and the bloatedness just still doesnt go away.

I am at my wits end about it too I am mostly in tears because my tummy looks awful plus I get IBS discomfort all the time such as sharp pains and aches and its even worse around the times of my period.

Sorry i cant offer much support but i just wanted to let you know I had to live with it for ages and its not very nice. I feel helpless with my bloatedness and I cant seem to get rid of it no matter what I try.

Anyway i hope you can feel better soon and doctors are usually rubbish at this sort of thing.

29-11-11, 06:01
It is probably just stress and I truly hope you feel better. Stress causes 99% of all our problems.. and a large percentage of people do develop a hiatus hernia, so you have nothing to worry about.

If this comes back and lasts for more than a day, it might re-assure you to get it checked out with an x ray to see how large it usually is. I guarantee you that you will be fine. Be happy and have a nice day.

cheesy pete
30-11-11, 20:11
Thanks very much for the replies, it is greatly appreciated. Been struggling with a low level stomach ache (between belly button and groin) for the last couple of days. Just hope it is related to all pressure at work but my mind does tend to worry and of course that just makes everything else worse!!

cheesy pete
06-12-11, 21:05
Bad night last night and consequently a long day in the office today. Really struggling to concentrate on anything other than the discomfort and particularly back ache today. My sides and ribs hurt after last night - i can't imagine it helped by feeling so tense. Now worried that I am going to have an awful night. Any suggestions as to what i can do??