View Full Version : Feeling sorry for my children

lisa p
31-05-06, 12:13

Yesterday was just awful.

I have been dreading the school holidays in case the children need to be taken anywhere, anyway at the weekend it was agreed that my son could have a keyboard so after phoning round we located a good deal and I thought I would be brave and drive 20 mins into town and get the keyboard with him.

As soon as we got in the car the shaking started, I felt so sick, had my normal safety things, carrier bag (in case I am sick), rescue remedy and tissues! All the time we were driving I kept saying to my 8 year old son, are you sure we cant do this tomorrow, etc. He was determined we should go, and told me to try really hard for him, I was so scared, managed to park the car and walk to the shop but felt so ill - I thought I was going to pass out as my legs were like jelly - we paid and walked back to the car - I felt really upset about the way I had felt and just cant see an end to this - why do I feel like this every time I have to go out?

My son was really kind and kept telling me I had done so well, but it didnt make me feel any better, felt rough for the rest of the day and feel really tearful today - why is life so hard sometimes?

sorry to go on and on.

Take care

Lisa p

31-05-06, 13:07
Hi Lisa

You did well and should be proud of yourself. Children are more tougher than us and I bet your son is now playing away with keyboard happy as larry. Congratulate yourself its always a step in the right direction you did it well done


31-05-06, 14:02
Hi there and well done! I class this as a huge success. You fought every single one of your fears, you felt absolutely awful and yet you did it!!!!!! Of course you felt bad after, you must have used all of your energy to get there and back, as for the tears, sometimes they can relieve so much tension. Your son must be very proud of you. You have proved to yourself that even though you thought you would faint, you never, your jelly legs held you up, i believe many people will read this post and be inspired by it. many thanks. xxx

31-05-06, 14:13
Hey, you did it, be proud of yourself, don't look on the negative use it as a positive, you went, you felt awful, but YOU DID IT!!!!!.
Just keep reminding yourself that even though you felt terrible nothing bad happened to you and you beat Mr.Anxiety, he didn't stop you from doing what you had to do.

Take it easy for the rest of the day and keep telling your self how well you did.


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

31-05-06, 15:16
WELL DONE,, i can realy feel for you thats justhow i am, my kids are 15, 12 so they have lived with me and my "feeling funny" for years now ..be proud of yourself you did it and didnt put it off.xx

jools xx

31-05-06, 15:37
Hi Lisa,
Its fantastic that you faced going to the shop with your son,you should be really proud of yourself!
Keep telling yourself how well you done,ive two children who have missed out on so much because of my anxiety i wish i was as brave as you!
Have you read any claire weekes books? She describes very well how anxiety nad panic attacks affect us and how to overcome them.I think they would really help you!

Take care xx

31-05-06, 16:13
Hiya Lisa -
You know tho - your son being there must've been just what you needed to help talk you thru. You made it !!! It's a victory everytime you push thru that panic and still carry on with life. It does get easier believe me.
Don't feel bad for the kids. Everyone on the planet needs support sometimes .... even us Supermoms - lol
He saw that you made it thru and that is so important not just for you but for him too.
Take care :)

31-05-06, 16:27
hey Lisa
Well done yu did it despite how you felt. My daughter is fantastic about my panic too. Just keep your up it will get better
Take care


'This too will pass'

marie ross
31-05-06, 16:44
Hi Lisa,

I know you felt terrrible, but you did it!!! You did'nt run away and thats the main thing, it will get better and better as you try and do more. My son and daughter are so sweet to me, when were're in a shop they always ask if i want to wait while they queue up for me, but now i won't let them, i've got to face my own fears which i'm getting there very slowly but from last year i have made great progress and so will you.

Keep it up.

Marie XXX

31-05-06, 19:23
Hi Lisa

well what a triumph, you not only managed to drive in but also go to the shop and talk to the assitants and pay and then drive back all woth your son in tow. How many positives is all that. You should be proud of yourself for the success, you should also be planning your next excursion it will be easier all you have to do is tell yourself you did once you will do it again. well done.


31-05-06, 22:28
well done lisa you deserve a big hug keep up the good work luv kazzie

01-06-06, 07:48

The way you felt was just the adrenalin going thru your body
its all about the way you view the event,

1) a dissapointment because you felt so bad
2) a proud moment because - YOU DID IT.



lisa p
01-06-06, 09:22
Thank you so much for all your kind words of encouragement, seem to be suffering really bad at the moment, yesterday I had to go to our local shops, 10 mins away, and just felt so bad, but got home and looked on the site and felt better after reading all the kind comments.

I really do not want to be like this forever and hope one day I will be able to leave the house without the fear and dread.

Thank you all once again.

Lisa p

01-06-06, 12:22
I know exactly how you feel - keep going mate and like everybody says everytime you push through it then view it as a success.

Love Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-06-06, 12:39
hi lisa

Be proud of yourself - YOU DID IT - well done!!

The amount of times I would set off somewhere with my daughter and get halfway there and have to turn back home is countless. I gave myself such a hard time and worried what effect it would have on her.

It did have an effect - it has made her a wonderful caring and supportive daughter who gives me so much encourgement and in her eyes I never fail because I always try - your son will love you for being YOU.


........life is for living not just for surviving