View Full Version : Help ? chest pain and tingling accross my chest

24-11-11, 23:05
ok so i just been for a walk and started feeling really tight in my chest , no other symptoms , just chest tightness like i get when im anxious , although i didnt feel anxious , any way after i got home and sat down , i was watching tv and the tightness had gone but i got this weird tingling sensations across my chest that lasted about 10 or 20 seconds , again no other symptoms and not feeling particularly anxious ??? Anyone ever experience this , as its a first for me , ive been diagnosed with GAD , anyone , any ideas what made that happen . :shrug:

25-11-11, 07:15
I think that although you said you weren't feeling anxious deep down you really were?

I can be sat doing work or on the internet, watching tele, reading and not particularly thinking about anything when my anxiousness comes on out of the blue.

I get chest pains and am trying to convince myself that because they come and go then its nothing serious and just anxiety.

25-11-11, 12:44
what about the weird tingling though , is that common with anxiety to get tingling across your chest ? ive never had that before so it freaked me out a bit , thanks for your reply by the way

25-11-11, 13:57
I've never had tingling across my chest but sometimes get it in my arms and legs so I guess someone could get it in the chest area too?

Sorry, not much help.

25-11-11, 15:59
funny thing is ive never had tingling in my arms or legs , they would feel kinda numb but no tingling , Thanks for replying anyways , maybe its just the muscles on my chest tensing or something ??? :flowers: