View Full Version : Nose Bleed.

31-05-06, 12:25
Hey guys.

Had a nose bleed this morning, never have nosebleeds, now feel totally stressed. Feel like there is loads of pressure in my head, keep imagining its a build up of blood or something.

Had a row with my boyfriend last night, only 5 weeks till we get married, feeling exhausted, stressed and tearful! Feel right on the edge of a panic, am at work and want to go home and curl up in a ball and not face the world today[V][V][V]

just feel blue!

Hope everyone else is ok xxxxx

Hay x

31-05-06, 13:23
hayles sounds like sinuses to me. is your nose heavy and sore

this happens to me quite alot


31-05-06, 13:39
No not sore and heavy.
My nose has been itchy and hot over the weekend, like i have touched chilli and then touched my face.

My mouth has been itchy and sore on and off for 3 weeks also!

Hay x

31-05-06, 15:58
Hi Hayles, I keep getting Nosebleeds not really heavy just a spot or two of blood. I never get them so went to the docs 3 weeks ago she told me they can be caused by weather change and pollen etc. I have just put it down to that. I keep having them but sure thats what it is as my nose gets v itchy etc just before. Hope this helps. Take Care xxxx

31-05-06, 19:35
Have you got a cold Hayles? I say this cos my 3 year old daughter had a cold about a month ago and one night she got up with a HORRENDOUS nosebleed. Obviously, like the manic, hyperchondriac parent I am, I rushed her to the GP.

He said that when we have colds the blood vessels near the surface in the nostrils can get swollen and sensitive and can burst quite easily, so it's nothing to worry about mate.

Shiv x

01-06-06, 09:14
thanks shiv.

I have had a cold type cough thing going on recently!

Hay x