View Full Version : my anixety is going to go up and up!

25-11-11, 02:41
Help, I need some one to help me or cope and deal, or even tell me everything is going to be ok, so I have been at my job for about 5 years and now my manager offered me a position as superviser i took it but now my stess level is going to go through the roof, anyone has any ideas or commets on how to deal with this all??

Please!!! Tinker

25-11-11, 03:57
Hi Tinker, I'm sorry you are feeling so stressed. Is there any particular aspect that worries you or is it the whole promotion?
If you're worried it's too much right now maybe you could say you accepted in haste but don't feel the position is right for you at the moment?

30-11-11, 03:19
To Late I accepeted it already, so this is it, Im an axision person all the time so I'm just worried all the time about things, any other advise?!?! lol!!

30-11-11, 05:51
if this job is causing you so much stress i would say it is not the job for you speak to yuor boss explain the situtation tell him it is making you ill i am sure he will understand is any job worth putting yourself under such stress and aniexty i was at my last job for 15 years and was asked to be a supervisor but i knew it would put me under pressure so did not accept it you have to think your health or the job

07-03-13, 18:01
I forgot I put this post here, well after being supervisor for a little over a year I stepped down then I quit my job the stress was way to much. I'm now jobless but have great family to help me out.