View Full Version : Back to work or not

25-11-11, 09:52
Been off work for 2 weeks and have to decide today whether I am going back on Monday or not. I work casual hours so only get paid for what I work anyway so I am not being pressured by anyone to go back. Have been on mirtazapine 15 mg for 2 weeks and just increasedthe dose to 30mg last night with no ill effects, apart from didnt sleep very well. Really dont know what to do and whether I should give myself some more time. Have been in floods of tears the last 2 days but dont know if being on my own is doing me any good. Dont know what to do.

25-11-11, 09:56
Hi hun if i was u id take a bit more time off especially as youve just upped your meds, rest is a huge part of recovery 2 x x

25-11-11, 11:18
Oh I just dont know what to do for the best. I am driving myself nuts hanging around the house all day.

25-11-11, 14:04
Sorry Humly, just realised my post was probably the last thing you wanted to read!

25-11-11, 14:08
Its ok Chappers. My bosses at work are fab and totally understand, unlike yours. I have decided t go back on Monday. I only work part time anyway so I am doing 4 hours a day for 3 days next week then see how I want to take it from there. x

25-11-11, 14:50
I think that you are doing the right thing by going back to work. The more time you spend on your own, away from the real world the more time you have to think, and that doesnt do us any good.
My anxietys are worse when i have too much time on my hands.
See how it goes for the week, im sure you will feel better though.