View Full Version : Flupenthixol/Fluanxol

existential crisis
31-05-06, 13:17

Has anyone here ever taken Fluanxol/Flupenthixol? I have been taking it on and off for a few years but never really consistently as I was told by the pharmacist that it was only a short term drug so basically I take it when I need it for a couple of months and then come off it with the intention of retaking it should I hit a anxious period. I have just took myself off it again only I have a constant headache and feel a bit shaky and fuzzy, something I havent had before. What I want to know is is this drug supposed to be taken long term and is it effective and has anyone ever came off it and what withdrawal they have had. Thanks, Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

01-06-06, 10:17
I am taking this, at 1 mg, the higher doses are for the more serious mental illnesses

I am pretty sure if taken as directed , and with the advice of your doctor, you will be ok

existential crisis
01-06-06, 11:34

Thanks for your reply! I wasnt sure I was gonna get one! I'm on 1mg too - then went up to 2mg after the first week. Have you been told to take it continuously or just for the short term. From what I have found on the net and from the pharmacist it is only a short term medication. How long have you been on it and is it working for you? Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

03-06-06, 10:56
It can be used longer term as long as the dose is not too high, I am getting some help from it