View Full Version : Still being sick!

25-11-11, 13:20
Hi everyone
Well, after having cbt I thought I'd got this under control, however, started getting terrible stomach cramps Tuesday, under ribs in centre and low down in abdomen, then Tuesday night was sick. Went to bed and didn't eat. Felt sick all day Weds, but wasn't sick, but didn't eat either. Woke up Thursday and lots of vomiting, mostly bile, and still stomach cramps. Managed to eat some toast last night and thought that was the last of the bug.
However, woke up this morning and was sick 3 times again, lots of yellow bile stuff (TMI!) so went to duty doctor.
He said sounds like a bug and it could go on for a week to 2 weeks! I explained about the cramps but he said all part of the bug. I said I couldn't eat but he said we can go 40 days without food so as long as I am drinking then it's fine.
But I've just read that Robin Gibb had an hour to live with an intestinal blockage and his symptoms were bad stomach cramps, which he put down to wind pains!
Someone please reassure me!

25-11-11, 13:27
Hi, im almost certain this is just some nasty bug, its this time of yr when all nasty winter bugs go around, ur bound to have stomach cramps if you've got one and ur being sick make sure u drink plenty of water and get lots of rest xx

25-11-11, 13:40
deffo sounds like a bug i had 1 last year insted of vomiting i had it the other end it started on the thursday and was still bad for week but tummy pain lasted for a month the doc said to me that when u have bugs it takes ages for colon to settle down , i wouldnt worry that make it worst " dont worry tho i have huge health axiety " so i no feeling xxx

25-11-11, 13:59
Thanks so much for your responses. It really helps. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply xx

25-11-11, 18:03
hi miggy
seriously hun i could have wrote that myself!!!!!
i have had the winter vomiting bug since monday!!!!my hubby and girls had it for just 24 hrs but mine has just lingered on and on:weep:
i have health anxiety for many years but its back with a vengance at the moment!!!!i think sometimes bugs can last quite some time in the intestines and colon so i'm hoping that it settles down for us both soon!!!!Now im constantely on the bleedy scales weighing myself!!!ggrrhhhh
hope this helps to know that youre not alone

26-11-11, 12:23
Yes, it does help. Thanks so much Rach.
I am up and about today and haven#'t been sick and even manage some brekkie!
Still feel very delicate in the stomach and very weak from not eating but think I'm finally over it. Hope you're feeling better now too Rach xx