View Full Version : One cold after the next!!

25-11-11, 13:55

I have been getting soooo many colds in the last 2 years (well since the birth of my son really), I just feel like I have one after the other. I do tend to catch them off him or my husband, but I am really worried that I have some underlying problem that is causing my immune system to not work properly. He has started nursery in the last few months and I know they catch lots of bugs there but I just would have thought my immune system would be strong enough not to continuously catch them!?!

Starting to get very worried.
Fi x

paula lynne
25-11-11, 15:12
Hi Fi....I hear you....Im always gettinf bugs/virus from my son, and at the moment half his class are down with colds.
Your immune system may well need a little boost, doesnt mean its not working properly. Why not have a chat with your local chemist? They can recommend lots of vits and minerals, and if you are already taking prescribed meds, they can easily check if you are able to take certain vits as well. Plus, this is easier than getting to see a gp sometimes.

Its been well documented in the news that we are experiencing more virilant/stronger strains of coughs and colds, especially since the over prescribing of anti-biotics in recent years. Unless you have a productive cough with coloured sputum, or have difficulty breathing, (see your GP), I think vits may be of help. Try also to eat as much fresh fruit and veg as you can. Going out in the fresh air helps, as does gentle exercise which boosts our feel good hormones.

Every single cold produces an immune response in us, and the good news is, we will never catch that particular strain again because our body already has the anti-bodies to fight it. I know you are worried, but Im sure a chat with the chemist will help. Hope you feel better soon, hugs. Paula x

eight days a week
25-11-11, 15:54
Great suggestions from Paula, I'd definitely try those :)

I'm in the same position, and know that my immune system is weak - it always has been anyway plus stress etc. But I've begun to wonder if there's more to it...

Do you live in a dusty place (because of location) or have pets? We have both and I stumbled on an article about dustmite allergies and pet allergies, and I think I may have one so I'm going to see my GP and ask to be tested.

Our new vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter which should help if I am allergic, I've even been looking at air purifiers (having such a dusty pet I think I'll probably get one anyway!)

Just a thought of something to maybe look at/think about too, but I'd try Paula's suggestions first/as well :)

25-11-11, 16:25
I just wanted to say that my husband and myself hardly had any colds at all.Then we had a grandchild. She is three and a half now and seems always to have a cold. we have them also ---all the time,even though we have the flu jab.
She goes to nursery and we look after her as well. I think it's all the hugs and kisses we are getting,cannot resist them.:hugs:My daughter was devastated when her child had nits at the begining of the year---and who had them as well---ME.
Paula Lynne is right. good advice.

25-11-11, 16:27
Just a thought. Stress can have a huge effect on your imune system. Just the fact that we suffer from anxiety might make us more likelly to catch a cold. I have suffered from health anxiety for 15yrs and I have thought the same thing. It seems like I get more and loger lasting colds than most people. But when I think back, most of the years when it seemed like I had a lot of them were the years when i suffered most from my anxiety. Also, I got a lot after my son started daycare.

25-11-11, 17:24
thanks for all of your great responses lovely folk. I'm feeling a little less worried about it knowing there are others experiencing the same.
I knew my son was going to get everything at nursery, but didn't think I would also catch it ALL! its so exhausting and I feel so overwhelmed and teary about it, just feel like I'm never going to feel "healthy" again.

Our house feels like a virus cesspool haha eeew, and we all seem to go from one thing to the next.

eightdaysaweek yes we do live in a dusty/damp place actually and we have a dog that thinks he is human, we live in Cornwall so the air constantly feels damp. I'm constantly wiping damp off walls and dusting as it seems to reappear in minutes! We are moving to Somerset soon to a new house so I really am hoping that will help with that side of things, but in the meantime I'm definitely going to invest in an airpurifier!

JBK, yes you are certainly right there, I have been under an extra amount of stress at the moment and normally do come down with something after a stressful time, which is more often than not with HA...

Paula, I will take a trip up to the chemist tomorrow and get myself some Ecch. I currently take a very good multi and took a Vit c and zinc today so hopefully it will knock it on the head. Thanks so much for all of your brilliant advice.

Fi xx

25-11-11, 18:05
How about you boost your immune system by taking vitamin c tablets on a daily basis? A couple other tips..as soon as you pick your kid up from the nursery...immediately clean his face & hands off with hand sanitizer wipes. Buy one of those kills cold/flu virus sprays...spray it in the air in every room once someone in your household is sick. We have something called Lysol here in the states. Hope your health gets better!

25-11-11, 18:18
thanks Liliana I will definitely be taking the Vit C on a regular basis until I get my immune up I think. Good idea with the antibacterial wipes for his face/hands...


eternally optimistic
25-11-11, 19:59
I was l ike this for many many years until I started taking citalopram which gave me a break from heightened anxiety.

I was on it for 6 months and one day I remember waking up and realising that I didnt always feel ill and unwell to cope on a daily basis.

It is rubbish but you can recover - might you be completed burnt out from your anxiety. If you are, this can contribute heavily in the way you feel.