View Full Version : headache/dizzy

25-11-11, 14:25
I went to the opticians yesterday because i am freaking out about my constant left sided headache that feels like pressure from the top of my temple and down passed my ear/cheek.If i turn my head to the right it hurts all around my left side of where my skull meets my neck and if i press my fingers in its really sore. I keep feeling off balance/dizzy and like i cant think straight. My eye test was fine but its really worrying me. I cant concentrate because of it. I know i have posted a few times about this but its really getting me down. Is this really anxiety?

25-11-11, 14:35
Do you suffer with Migraine ?
I do and this is exactly what happens to me. I dont always have a banging headache with it either. Ive seen a neurologist in the past and was told that its a neurological response to a chemical imbalance in the brain which is what causes depression anyway. Thing is if you are anxious it will set things off and then when you feel dizzy you get anxious so its a viscious cycle
Alternatively it might be a tight muscle in your head or neck.
Hope this helps x

25-11-11, 14:41
hi zippy. if your doctor has reassured you that the headache is anxiety-based, then it almost certainly is. anxiety can often cause us to feel overwhelmingly physical symptoms... it also leads us to doubt every diagnosis we receive. but to recover, we need to teach ourselves to accept that these symptoms – however frightening – really aren’t caused by anything more sinister. x

25-11-11, 16:09
I had a migraine about 5 weeks ago at the start of this episode of HA and then ever since then i deteriorated. My teeth on the left were sore a few weeks ago and i do suffer with tmj and i wear a splint 24/7. I dont know if anxiety has caused me to clench/grind and its set all these symptoms off.

25-11-11, 19:08
TMJ syndrome can cause headaches and associated facial pain and anxiety makes you clench your teeth-especially during sleep (bruxism). Its good your wearing your splint. I think your in a bit of a cycle at the moment. Would you be able to have a neck/scalp massage anywhere-this would relieve tense muscles in that area.
I too wear a night splint for the same reasons as you-so your not alone x

25-11-11, 19:17
I am seeing my osteopath in 3 weeks.I had been doing really well until i started getting anxious and HA took over with stupid google. I always think its something else serious.