View Full Version : Scared again

25-11-11, 14:37

I am 41, had a routine mammogram 2 months ago, as they do this in the area that I live. It came back as a normal result.

I check my breasts regularly, as they are very lumpy, about 2 weeks ago found a lump, when I pressed it, it appeared to almost burst and disapppear. it came back again yesterday, and the same happened again and it has disappeared.

What could this be, I dont want to keep running to the drs every time I get a lump, i would be down there every week.

Has anyone got any ideas or experience of this



25-11-11, 19:39
Could you be feeling what is known as a breast mouse, these tend to slip away under your fingers which could feel to you like it has burst then comes back. Breast mouse is a benign ( harmless) cyst. I notice you have the uk flag on your profile but say you have routine mammos at 41???? NHS mammos don't start till you are 50 so I assume you are in another country??

I would tell a Dr about your movable lump, breast tissue under the age of 50 does not show up well on mammo and ultrasound is very good for showing up benign cysts so your Dr could send you for one of these and this would put your mind at rest.

Drs are usually very sympathetic to breast issues so don't worry about going to see your Dr.

25-11-11, 19:47
I live in essex and there is a charity run breast screening unit that does yearly mammograms from the age of 40 for a small donation.

I have heard of breast mice, but I don't understand why this lump disappeared for 2 weeks, then came back, and has disappeared again when I pressed it.

There is nothing to feel at moment, so my gp wouldn't be able to feel anything. I am just obsessing over it and constantly checking.

Gemma T
25-11-11, 19:50
I have a few cysts that go and come back, its like they wait there hidden to surprise me. I wouldnt worry but I know thats easy to say so just go and see your GP.

x x x

30-11-11, 14:03
i ent for my three yearly mammogram lat thurday, and i rang up for the reult and they havent done them yet, i had a tarot card reading and the lay ent me an email aying that i haveomething in my breat, i am ill no and i have dreadful anxiety, the doctor rang the clinic thi morning, but they have not done it yet, apparently they have a backlog, i keep thinking ay thi pychic i right, i no i houldnt have aked the pychic, but e all do thing dont e, thi keyboard i playing up. i am good for nothing i cry and my heart id thumping all day,i feel like a burden, to my huband, and to my family, being the ay i am, i have tried to think of other thought but i am really really anxioux. i keep thinking if the pychic i right, ho ill i cope i cannot cope on a normal day. thank you.:weep: