View Full Version : panic when in shop!!

31-05-06, 16:35
hi everyone
went into town this morning...felt okay not too panicky...actually felt a little normal...was fine in the first shop i went into paid for my things then decided to go into boots(usually i can only handle 1 shop then i have to get home fast as possible)..as soon as i walked in i could feel myself tensing up but i stuck it out...still the panic started to build i got my things then stood in the mile long que..i felt so agitated thought i was gonna faint as usual...what i couldnt help noticing was how everyone else was calm and still while i was there dancing about(cant keep still when panicky)i just kept thinking i wished yhis bl***y cashier would hurry up or else im gonna collapse or something...
i was thinking i must have looked a fool hopping from one foot to the other...still i didnt do too bad managed 3 shops today... i used to enjoy shopping ... now it fills me with dread...must keep pushing myself though otherwise i will probably end up agrophobic!!!!

marie ross
31-05-06, 16:39

Well done for sticking it out, its horrible when you make yourself stand in a queue, everyone else looks so normal, and i think i've got sweat dripping of my forehead, shaking from head to foot and i've got a crazed look on my face!!! But i bet we look completely normal as well!!! I'm glad you've faced your fears, don't let them beat you, you've done really, really well today. Keep it up.

Take care.

Marie XXX

31-05-06, 16:53
Well done, I hate queues too. Definitely keep up the good you've started.
Take care


'This too will pass'

31-05-06, 17:50
Well done Daisy you did well


31-05-06, 18:08
I agree with everyone, well done for doing what you did. I totally understand how you feel about getting in queues, it brings on the same sypmtoms for me. you did it though, focus on that.

"A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

31-05-06, 18:28
Well done for getting through it!!You should be really proud of yourself!
I also hate queues,im ok/ish while doing my shopping but as soon as i know i have to pay for anything and que up at the checkout i can feel the panic build up inside me,just goes to show how our thoughts affect us physically!
You done really well and im sure it will get easier for you.
Take care xx

31-05-06, 18:47
Well done you! Keep at it. You can obviously do it and not give in to this awful panic.

Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

31-05-06, 18:47
well done for sticking this out, I would of run, you are a strong person and doing well, keep going,

31-05-06, 19:51
thankyou to all its good to know we are not alone and we all suffer in a similar way....im gonna keep at it as i hope one day i will feel normal again

31-05-06, 21:43
Well done for staying in the shop and not leaving.
Love Helen

01-06-06, 07:53
well done - I am exactly the same - I can wander round the shop its just as soon as you stand in a queue the panic builds and I feel breathless and keep sighing - its such a pain isnt it!!!
Well done tho for sticking it out - well done!! love wenjoy x

01-06-06, 07:59
Oooooooooo shopping[xx(]

I always ask myself this , why do i panic when i love shopping ?
I love a good bargain and finding nice things so whats there to panic about ?

At the weekend I went into mcdonnalds with kids and ORDERED,,,
my heart was going so fast and i found it difficult to get my words out but once i spoke the heart settled down and i did it !

When i went shopping with my CBT last week i couldnt belive it - I didnt panic once (very unusual_ which made me worry that he may think im not that bad :(
Do you find certain shops are worse than others ?
I love shops with chairs, incase i feel faint.


lisa p
01-06-06, 09:19

A very big well done, You did so well and should feel very proud.

Take Care

Lisa P

01-06-06, 12:24
Big clap from me too.

Piglet :D

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-06-06, 12:33
Give yourself a big pat on the back - you went into town and went into extra shops you would'nt normally do - WELL DONE !!!

"i felt so agitated thought i was gonna faint as usual...what i couldnt help noticing was how everyone else was calm and still while i was there dancing about(cant keep still when panicky)i just kept thinking i wished yhis bl***y cashier would hurry up or else im gonna collapse or something..."

The next time you feel like this in a shop, try to stop yourself from thinking all the above - this may sound silly, but sing to yourself, recite the alphabet, anything to distract yourself to stop thinking the worst. It takes a long time to change the way we think but with lots of practice you can do it.

The important thing is YOU DID'NT RUN AWAY - you are STRONGER than you probably think.


........life is for living not just for surviving

01-06-06, 12:37

I think its brilliant that you managed to stay in the shop and queue, you should be so proud of yourself. You must be a strong person as i cant remeber the last time i managed to stand in a queue, i always had to walk out of the shop,

You did realy well!


love Andrea