View Full Version : mind going blank/ poor concentration

25-11-11, 19:17
hi guys
can anyone tell me if they get this
i feel like my minds going blank like i cant think stright. i feel like my mind wont take anything in like it dont want to like it wants to shut down . my consentration is very poor i talk to people but my mind just goes blank .i am aware of whats going off and its getting me very worried .

25-11-11, 22:01
hi there, i understand exactly how you feel. it happens the same to me but also even when im driving! can you tell me any more about how you feel?:unsure:

I Will Overcome
25-11-11, 23:00
You are not alone. I certainly understand and sympathise. I feel that way at times, especially when I am overwhelmed, stressed and not getting the right sleep or diet. As Rachael has asked, perhaps you wouldn't mind sharing some more information? I am glad Rachael mentioned the driving ... that can be quite scary especially as I am on my own and I always have my dog with me .. I would hate to get into an accident and my dog got hurt. I just make sure I don't have to go long distances and that I drive carefully. :) Hugs to you.

26-11-11, 16:59
hi guys thank you for ur replys
i drive all over the country as i work for my self it has grossed my mind one or two times but iv never had a accident yet touch wood . i must admit iv come close many a time i try to leave a decent gap in front of me . i surpose somewhere along the line you must be concentrating . i only notice when im talking to people like after around 3mins my mind just shuts off allso when im reading a book .

I Will Overcome
26-11-11, 22:20
Hi Melvin. I so understand what you're sharing. It's part of why I don't go out much anymore. I only talk to friends who understand, and don't mind repeating themselves to me. I am very careful now about driving. I drive slower than I did, and I only drive if I absolutely have to. Now that I am on Ciprolax, I am finding that I need to be even more careful than before:) The fact that you aware of what's happening is positive. It sounds like you are doing the right things for yourself re driving. ox

27-11-11, 08:19
sounds to me Melvin like you need to practise some mindfulness techniques :)

28-11-11, 20:18
This happens to me when I think about things too much.