View Full Version : hungry but don't want to eat?

25-11-11, 20:48
I have this odd symptom, sometimes when I'm hungry I don't always feel like eating even though I know I need to eat nothin takes my fancy? This is now and again sort of thing x

25-11-11, 21:09
Hi im getting this alot at the min and ive lost over 1 and half stone thro my anxiety/panics, i brought some of the complan shakes and mixed them with whole milk and ive been having 2 of them a day, 1's equivalent to a light meal so at least im getting some vits and minerals if i can't stomach actual food xx

25-11-11, 21:13
Sorry to hear about what you are going through, yes complan is a good idea when you can't stomach food xx

25-11-11, 22:27
I know just how you feel - I think, its lunchtie, what should I have? But nothing seems right. I told my friend this and they said, "dur, eat when you are hungry." I suppose there is some sense in that but you feel rotten if you've had no food. Luckily I'm on a high this week and gobbling everything down. I'm afraid I can't really help you on that one but I know how you feel :(