View Full Version : This is not good!!

25-11-11, 21:17
Im just sitting here feeling completely fine.. and then suddenly i get this surge of extreme dizzyness come over me, along with head pains and itchy ears.. I literally am finding it hard to see and my head is all over the place what is going on?! My face has gone boiling hot but im shivering? And my stomach hurts alot! I feel like im going to throw up?! I havn't been anxious in a very long time 'touch wood' and this has suddenly come on like this? Surely this is not anxiety otherwise i wouldn't be in this much confusion, ive never had this before and im really quite scared. My heart seems to be going rather fast and wont slow down. I know this all sounds like symptoms of anxiety but i honestly think this is nothing to do with it as the time span of me being anxious is extremely far now, plus i don't feel anxious today or now, even that this has happened i just feel slightly worried and concerned about what terrible illness i have right now. My eyes are really itchy and feel like there burning, there is alot of water coming out of them, and my nose feels funny and has started running, it feels warm almost. Something im extremely worried about is the fact that ive been on Ranitidine for a while and now come off it without going back to the doctors for more pills because it is literally impossible to get an app with them, now i havnt had them for about a month and im scared its killing me or i have an ulcer :(

26-11-11, 08:56
sounds a bit like a fluey virus to me. How are yoy feeling today??

28-11-11, 12:08
Sounds very much like a viral infection beth. so many going round at the moment