View Full Version : mouth bump ... again :-\

25-11-11, 21:43
Hi, I am being super stupid right now. I went to the doctor finally about the bubble/bump under my tongue and he said it was absolutely nothing to worry about, a mucous cyst, and that they just happen sometimes. He also said for my peace of mind that oral cancers are almost always found in people who smoke or drink a ton and I don't do either, I drink but not like crazy.

So WHYYYY am I still worrying?! I know it is a stressful weekend anyway for me, and when I am stressed my HA is triggered much easier. I am just so frustrated with myself. I keep thinking he must be wrong.

I know I am being stupid!

Gemma T
27-11-11, 14:17
Hi again

I have the same problem still. We spoke the other day about the bump on the roof of my mouth.

I cant stop poking and prodding mine and im sure its got bigger. Makes sense really lol. Definetly feels like alot of saliva built up in mine. Its a little tough but not a lump and some of the water can be moved about.

We have the same thing just different locations.

Your GP is right. Oral cancers are rare in themselves. So the odds of having it being a non smoker and light drinker are slim to none. Its also something tobacco chewers and cigar smokers get because of the direct contact. Even as an ex smoker im unlikely to have it. Lung cancer or throat cancer is what smokers tend to get.

Im still trying to forget the bump in my mouth but Im a little under the weather as well so doesnt help. My teeth hurt i have a pain in my nose and a headache all on the left and all on the same side of the bump. I have the odd though thinking its all related but i know its a head cold. And you know your GP is right.

I think our thoughts just need to catch up. Our dodgy mucus filled bumps may never go. Even if burst they would prob come back.

Neither of us have cancer.

If you ever need to talk you know where I am. Its hard to forget even when told its nothing. We always assume were the exception to the rule. And yes there are exceptions but it aint us. Ive seen a specialist and youve been to the doctors. All we need to do is remind each other of what we know and we'll get through this.

Love Gem x x x

27-11-11, 15:01
Thank you for your reply, it helped a lot. I just feel like a crazy person sometimes! I still keep checking it and I know that is making it bigger. I also know once i forget about this, I'll find something else to worry about ... I'm also convinced my boyfriend has melanoma and he is refusing to get his mole checked out.

This is so frustrating! It is scary too because anywhere you look they say any oral bump/sore that doesn't go away is at risk of being cancerous and I freak out.

We'll get through it though. It is comforting that I am not the only one!

Gemma T
27-11-11, 16:07
Yh touching it all the time irratates it. Even with your tongue. Do you find it becomes a little sore and hurts? Mine does sometimes.

Oh yes there is always a shift in our focus. I think that is why Im now all about this bump. My left over anx has decided this bump is to be the focus.

I wouldnt pay attention to google results. Results are placed in the order others tend to search for and google predicts the kind of results you want based on previous searches and things youve looked at. So if you keep reading about oral cancer and google this again your results will all be about oral cancer. Try clearing your history and cache. And above all else dont google. If you really really have try and go on a reputable site like nhs direct. dont use search engines. it always comes up with the scary stuff. and dont look at cancer sites and read peoples stories. you'll find your reading worse case scenarios and will write yourself off.

Now youve seen your doctor and he's ok it I advise you only come on here. Take his word for it. He is the expert after all. They are trained to spot these sinister things without you mentioning anything.

Ive PM you my email add so you can always email me if you need some support x x x