View Full Version : Moving house with AGORAPHOBIA

25-11-11, 21:55
So I've found out I'm moving soon, in 2 or 3 months. I'm thrilled to bits as I'm going from a second floor flat to a house with a garden. Also, I've had trouble with my neighbour since I moved here and he's definately affecting my anxiety with his loud music and cannabis fumes. I've been complaining to the landlord and police for a year but nothing's been done so moving's the only answer really.

I'm incredibly lucky to have this opportunity yet I'm terrified. The last several months I've been severely anxious and agoraphobic. I'm having exposure therapy which is helping and I am getting better but I'm nowhere near ready for moving. I know everyone finds it stressful but I should be used to it after 10 moves. I'm moving within my own town but I couldn't even walk to where it is, or get a lift, even with someone I trust with me. Not only that but I'm worried I'm not going to be able to cope with moving day, what with the removal men, people and furniture coming and going. I really don't see how I'm going to cope.

Also, it means I no longer have my safe zone. I'll have a home, but it takes time to settle down. As much as this flat and neighbour annoy me, this is my safe zone. Going out of it, or people coming into it fills me with terror. Is this going to be so traumatic that my anxiety will get worse again?

So really what I'm asking is how can I cope with moving? Has anyone else with agoraphobia had to move house? How did you do it?

26-11-11, 09:30
Hi Panicpanda,

In answer to your question.......yes............it can be done.

I moved way out of my hometown, to a village, i left all my family and friends behind to live with my partner, and it wasnt easy at all.

Where am i at now? absolutely love life here, i'm recovering agoraphobia and got myself a job working with the public which i never thought i'd be able to do again, i can take my little girl to school again which i haven't been able to do in years.

We have another admin here who also moved who is also agoraphobic and it was the best move for her ever, as she has also started going on buses again, going into supermarkets, shes equally done loads since her move.

I think the key to this is, you are actually dreading the move and see it as a scary thing, when in fact, there is nothing to be scared of at all, you have said yourself the reasons why you need to move, your troublesome neighbour etc.

Last year we had a group of people who were all moving and some were moving quite far, they were all agoraphobic and all had every success in their move, i will find the thread for you to read.

Keep a positive mind about the move and how lovely it will be in the summer for you to sit in your garden.

Keep on going out as much as possible every single day, that is the only way forward with Agoraphobia, and you will overcome it, doesn't matter if you even go to the garden gate, just keep on doing it.

Just keep us updated on how things are going and we can help you out as much as we can.

This may just be the move you need to help you kick agoraphobia's butt, now that would be the best housewarming present ever.

di xx

26-11-11, 09:44
Here you go panicpanda, this is the thread i was talking about, take a read of it and it may just help you.


di xx

26-11-11, 10:24
Hmm really really look at the positives , imagine your new house and how life will be so much better .
Accept the initial move will cause anxiety and maybe even panic but it will be worth it.
The universe / god has offered you a brand new happy place to live, see it as an opperyinity . Even you gO through hell to finally move in , it will be with it .
Anxiety is short lived , yes it's scary but you will cope!!

Don't let anxiety rob you off a new start in a new house.

Start seeing the house as yours , think about the garden parties you'll have in summer .
Decorating etc . .
Don't be afraid to ask for help .

---------- Post added at 10:24 ---------- Previous post was at 10:18 ----------

Take sediyives or have a strong drink if you have to on moving day.
Not together of course.
Have your safety gear , iPod music, water, etc. .
You might feel an initial oh god I can't do this moment of pure panic.
I get this when ever I board a plane or have an operation or go to the dentist.
It will pass! You just need to commit to doing it. Take a deep breath , stay logical , remind your self why you are doing this , and that you want to do this.
Eventually you will start to calm down :)
You just have to fight through the initial panic.

26-11-11, 10:46
I could'nt agree more with all of the abovem but just wanted to wish you luck, i;m sure you will cope better than you think, and be so much happier in your new home, look at it as a fresh start x

26-11-11, 13:37
I've moved house a number of times since having agoraphobia and I think you get so caught up in the move that your anxiety kind of gets overtaken by the excitement of the move.

The last time I moved was when my OH and I both sold our respective houses so that we could buy a house together. This meant me moving right across town to an area I wasn't familiar with and certainly out of my comfort zone.

It was made worse by the fact that we had a problem in the chain and ended up with nowhere to live for 2wks. Now that would be bad enough for a normal person, but when you have agoraphobia and your home is your safe zone, to know you are going to be without a home for 2wks is not much fun.

As it turned out a colleague of my OH let us stay on his sofa bed for 2wks. Amazingly for that whole time I had hardly any anxiety at all and actually quite enjoyed staying there as it was a beautiful flat in the middle of town and made a nice change.

I think often our anxieties are made worse by the memories we have of the places we go to, so often a move to somewhere that holds no unpleasant memories can actually be the start of moving forward with our anxiety, if that makes sense.

06-12-11, 16:29
Thank you all for your advice, it's made me feel a lot better about the situation. I'm starting to feel a bit more excited about it now. That thread id really useful Di, I'm going to bookmark it for when I'm feeling afraid again. I think maybe I should ask the doc for some valium even though I'm meds phobic, just in case.

I'm just going to be so happy to have a garden so my cat can go out and I can enjoy the outdoors, even if the agoraphobia starts getting me down again. :)