View Full Version : I've decided to kick this bad habit: ANXIETY!

26-11-11, 00:08
After a year and a half of pretty much constant worry about every bodily sensation: twitch, niggle, pain being a sign of some dreadful illness that was going to rob me of the chance to see my child grow up and leave my husband a widower (despite 4 gp's, an ENT and neurologist telling me "it's anxiety!!!") i've have decided finally that enough is enough. I've worried myself so much about becoming ill that i've actually MADE myself ill! After constant worry about my health as well as other stress as a result of my recent wedding, i developed my second bout of dizziness...whilst on honeymoon in beautiful Rome!! On my return home and return to work, my dizziness remained and the worry about the dizziness made my heart palpitate and, for the first time in my life, made me feel like i couldn't breathe...constantly! The more i focused on these sensations, the worse they became. One benefit of these recent turn of events is that i have now (EVENTUALLY!) realised that I'M doing this to myself. When I'm occupied with something (Like at work: my school is about to go through an inspection), i'm fine. When i go home, my symptoms return. Sorry if this is long winded, but i just feel we need to focus more on recovery than spending hours trawling through the health anxiety forum, which i have done on many occasions! (and which has relieved anxiety on some occasions for a short while). What i'm finding now is that NOT focussing on the fact you have anxiety, that you are feeling, dizzy, breathless etc. etc. actually leads to these symptoms slowly fading into the background. It's not easy and i'm not there yet, but i feel i'm heading in the right direction. It's as simple as this: TELL yourself "it's nothing, it's a twinge. it's a pain, it's not life threatening"....and then move on and do something else! DON'T FOCUS, DON'T OVERTHINK! The hardest bit is getting your brain to stop going "but what if...?". Instead, Go out and live life again and your body will forget that once it was anxious (I'm hopeful of this!). Best of luck everyone! I hope to not visit this site quite so often now (and i mean that in the nicest possible way!):biggrin:

26-11-11, 02:24
Can I join you please??? I just returned from one of my many ER visits thinking this time I for sure am having a heart attack!! And once again.. EKG is normal, chest x-ray is normal and all blood and urine tests PERFECT!!! This health obsession has robbed me of actually living my life and has robbed my family of a functional mother, wife, daughter and sister. My family is desperate for me to finally just start living again. This will be a hard journey for me, but I'm determined to beat this. I hope you will too!! :)

26-11-11, 08:08
wow i feel exactly the same. all my family are fed up with me! i just want to not worry about my health anymore and enjoy my lovely family. it sucks x

Fly away Katie
26-11-11, 19:28
What an inspirational post. Your fantastic!!! Wish I could take that attitude and adapt it to now. I feel like I can't breathe. Maybe if I don't focus, it will go away, like you said xxx

26-11-11, 20:33
Hope we can all get 'back to our old selves' again soon guys! It has just been a realisation with me that no one but ourselves can REALLY help get rid of this anxiety. We have created it (whether we are aware of it or not) and likewise, we are the ones who can rid ourselves of it. It will take hard work though...but i'd rather do that than go through all the awful side effects of anxiety again! Good luck everyone!

26-11-11, 22:11
What a fantastic positive post!

I'm on the same journey, lets hope we all get back to living.
