View Full Version : Liver Cancer.

26-11-11, 09:26
I wonder how many people on here who are suffering from stomach problems have read the recent reports regarding Robin Gibb of The Bee Gees and his continuing abdominal pain.

I read over the web yesterday that there is, or was, some speculation that after some lengthy investigations, there was a mention of liver cancer!

I don't know if this was confirmed or just another story blown out of proportion but I know it made a few alarm bells ring in my own head!

Like most of the people on here who have been diagnosed with IBS and other stomach problems, I for one also believe that the doctors have may of missed something far more serious and life threatening during their investigations.

Although I try not to read the papers, I understand that Mr Gibb was apparantly suffering from a blocked intestine initially (something which killed his poor brother some years ago), but after treatement was still suffering from discomfort and consequently taken to hospital on more than one occasion as an emergency.

Needless to say, with my daily suffering of pain and discomfort and the fact that my IBS medication does nothing, I awoke this morning in a relatively pain free mode, until I thought of Robin Gibb!

Miracle of miracles, my stomach started hurting straight away!
Needless to say, today I have Liver Cancer!

So, as any Anxiety Sufferer would do.............

I am now cleaning my house because 'whatever will the paramedics think when I call 999 when they see the state of it'?

I had a shower incase they keep me in hospital.

I was thinking of running the mower over the grass because if I dont 'make it' at least the grass will be cut!

Oh yes, I have left my estranged wife a note saying that 'I will always love you' (not that she would probably give a toss)!

It's when we read or hear stories similar to that of poor Robin that puts the element of doubt in our minds regarding the diagnosis that we have been given ourselves.

I would of thought that all of his medical treatment would of been private and therefore all tests possible were carried out but still the final diagnosis was missed?

Is it just me or have I read it wrong or been misinformed.......again?

No wonder I'm a Hypochondriac!


26-11-11, 12:18
It's always easy to compare our symptoms to what we read or see....Hence why the 'doctor Google' seems to have a high mention on this site....I do it all the time and end up making my symptoms 100 times worse through all the thinking it leaves me doing.

We are all after an answer as to why this has happened to us, I think the stress of alopecia areata and other things became too much mentally and it triggered something much worse for me.....

Alot of people said how good it was for the Eastenders scene where Tania had a panic attack recently.....I wasn't too keen on it....pale, fatigued, dizzy, YEAH SO I MUST HAVE CERVICAL CANCER THEN? thats what we do to ourselves.

Its a nightmare
Let's hope they find a cure

26-11-11, 12:34
Thanks for your comment.

I now discover (owing to my complete ignorance) that Mr Gibb was diagnosed back in the spring but obviously kept it quiet until recently poor man.

I fear this now somewhat renders my post insignificant but however, it expresses my concern nervertheless!


26-11-11, 13:00
Your post made me smile. I would be nowhere as clean or my house so tidy if i wasnt always thinking the what ifs! I thought the same why with all his money wasnt it picked up before. But as you say he did know but didnt want the publicity. Looking at him i think he probably knew well before spring. I too am having stomach issues maybe ibs but more likely some organ cancer. Thanks for making me smile, in a strange wa xx

26-11-11, 16:37
You're welcome daisydoo.

Yes, sadly although he's always been on the slim side, I too must admit he doesn't look a well man at all!

I know that I have always been a skinny guy and good old anxiety always makes sure I never gain weight. If I don't eat due to stomach issues then immediately the weight will go from my face making me look guant and a dammed sight bloody uglier than I am already.

I hope Robin Gibb live's a long and happier life.


26-11-11, 18:06
The Gibb brothers don't seem to have had much luck health wise. Two of the bothers have died young and now Robin being so ill. I'm sure that their mum is still alive, i feel sad for her seeing all her offspring going before her.

You reminded me Horse of my trip to A&E.
I had woman's problems and was told by the Thames doc on the phone to go to A&E, my son was on his way home from work to take me there so i had a bit of time to wait.
I hadn't noticed how over grown i had become so I gave myself a tidy up as i knew the gynecologist would be down that end.
I made sure that my best pyjamas where on top of the pile because i knew if they did keep me in my son would of just grabbed the nearest ones, that probably had a hole in.
I sorted my makeup and put in a bag what i would need as i knew i wouldn't be able to explain to my son what i wanted him to bring, I needed to look nice for when the visitors came to see me.
I had a word with the cat and told him how much i was going to miss him and watered my plants.
I don't have HA, well I didn't anyway. Maybe this site is driving me mad.:shrug:
I was home within the hour.

26-11-11, 19:29
Reminds me of one of my too many trips to A and E.

In absolute agony from stomach pain, I thought it best that I have a shave so they didn't think I was too scruffy and then proceeded to drive myself because I was worried what the neighbours would think seeing an ambulance outside my house.

What a plonker!

Now, I no longer shave and I certainly don't think......it's safer!

blue moon
26-11-11, 22:48
Hi Horse:D
Reading your post,remind me of myself,i use to clean house,shower when I was at worst,I never wanted paramedics look at dirty house.I do not shave under arms now too close to throat....lol.....(I do wax)
Petra x

28-11-11, 20:20
Dear Horse
Once again after a shi**y day and just having just put the old 'meal for one' in the oven, (whilst imaging I have a DVT because my leg aches), I read your post, laugh and feel immediately better.
You are a tonic!

28-11-11, 23:51
Many thanks.