View Full Version : Emotionally numb

26-11-11, 09:28
Hi, just wondering what being emotionally numb means to you. I hate it, and really don't want to spend the rest of my life feeling this way. I just can't feel love at all anymore, not even towards my young children or my husband. My emotions all just switched off literally overnight four months ago. I don't think I have any other PTSD symptoms, except insomnia perhaps and the odd nightmare, but the nightmares aren't related to the trauma I witnessed thirty years ago. The trauma has never bothered me over the years. Have any of you been emotionally numb and then suddenly got all your emotions back or is this really how I will have to live for the rest of my life? Looking at people but just not feeling anything for them.

26-11-11, 10:10
i was emotionally numb for years...
i thought i was just "odd".
i couldnt be happy not really happy and properly laugh. oh i could pretend if i had to but its not the same.
i couldnt cry... not even when dad passed away.i felt so guilty.
and as for feeling love well that was just beyond me.
i am a single mum to four great kids...but it was so hard.
i messed up so many relationships ...
i knew i would do anything for my kids but the love thing wasnt a real feeling.
i know this sounds silly but i think you will know what im trying to say.
BUT it does come back i promise you... as my anxiety and panic got better to control my emotions came back.
i came and posted here i think..i remember crying like mad and also being able to laugh i mean really laugh ... it was very odd at first.
and as for my kids well ive always loved them but now i have the feeling there...its great.
you are not alone

26-11-11, 11:46
Thank you so much for replying bluesparkle. I feel hopeful now hearing that your emotions all came back. I have always been such an emotional person, then something must have triggered in August and literally overnight every single emotion has switched off. I can cry, but very rarely, and it's just when I get so upset at looking at my beautiful children and knowing I love them, but not being able to feel it, it is awful! I will just have to hope my feelings come back one day.