View Full Version : Anxiety and thyroid

31-05-06, 19:40
If you experience panic or anxiety have you:

31-05-06, 21:45
I had a blood test to check my thyroid - is that a thyroid function test?
Love Helen

31-05-06, 22:15
What about an option for had a test and it was all clear like mine was?


01-06-06, 03:56
at the absolute worst of panic my thyroid was underactive it is now 6 months later and my levels fixed themselves up without any medication. Has anybody else had this happen to them. Also does anybody know will my thyroid more than likely play up again. thanks desi

01-06-06, 11:02
I had one test and it was underactive and then in the next test it was normal, but I didn't feel any better!

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

01-06-06, 12:05
i agree with nicola - i had been tested LOTS its always been normal

........life is for living not just for surviving

01-06-06, 12:55
I had the test and it was normal.



01-06-06, 16:22
I've added an option for having the test come back normal

It's encouraging to hear that two people have had their thyroid levels come back to normal on their own.

What sort of time period was that in??

Did you change your lifestyle/diet or anything at all?

01-06-06, 16:33
I was overactive 9 years ago. Four years ago had op and now underactive. Panic attacks and depression started then. Cleared after dose of citalopram and right thyroxine levels, but anxiety always an issue now. If the dose goes too low I get depressed so I tend to stay high.


'This too will pass'

01-06-06, 19:08
I have thyroid cysts - but blood test all fine, specialist said the cysts would not affect me in any way, although i think they do (tireness etc etc) and are a bit visable - slight raise in the bottom part of my neck.

Tatty B xx

05-08-06, 17:20
I've had an underactive thyroid for 10 years now and it always acts up. When it does I do think my anxiety gets worse plus I get a foggy brain, can't think straight, plus I'm sooo tired.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

Brandy snap
23-04-07, 23:53
I have had a thyroid test and it came back normal. Brandy Snap xx

24-04-07, 02:43
Mine is complicated as I had overactive thyroid for about a year or so, had medication that made me feel worse and finally had this radioactive thyroid cure, which means I now have underactive thyroid.

It is a standard test that the doctor might want to rule out. I knew my problems were not thyroid related as I've had anxiety, panic and depression for years I even had thyroid problems.

So, yes I have the condition but don't think it affects my panic attacks, anxiety or depression.

Most of these are routine tests and come back clear.


24-04-07, 07:59
Hi All. I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid about 5 years ago with the usual symptoms of putting on weight, feeling cold and tired and feeling anxious and a bit depressed. I got tested again 3 months ago and my TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) was really low so my GP lowered the dose of thyroxine. I don't think I have stabilised quite yet as I still feel pretty anxious but that could just be me being anxious LOL! I do reckon that thyroid problems affect our mental health a great deal.

24-04-07, 10:25
Had 2 blood tests, 1 this year and another 2 years ago. They checked for Thyroid and diabetes. All clear!!
j0j0. x:yesyes:

24-04-07, 10:34
I have a thyroid test every 3 months as I'm on lithium and it can affect thyroid function. Had the latest one this morning. They've come back normal so far. Suggest you go for the test and put your mind at rest. Let us know how you get on.

24-04-07, 18:14
can anyone tell me more about this,is there a link or something,really intrested to find out as im always tired and wondered how i would know about thyroid,what are the symptons for under or over active thyroid please.thanks tracy

25-04-07, 06:55
I have graves disease and had my thyroid removed in February. Had my first surgery last August (they removed only half the thyroid) Up until February I had an over active thyroid, ever since the surgery under active. And my hormones go berserk in my body.:weep:
My endo said that this chaos ist causing my heart and mental problems. For some people it takes 1 year to go back to "normal" after a surgery.

So it ist not only under active and over active you may also have Graves Diasease or Hashimoto Thyreoditis.

Here is a link to an English website for thyroid problems:


Hope this helps!:flowers:

25-04-07, 13:27
Checked 6 years ago when the anxiety started and came back normal!

Piglet :flowers:

25-04-07, 13:46
I had mine tested last week and I am still waiting for the results.


25-04-07, 16:41
hi all can i ask why you have been tested for this did the doctor recommend and whats the connection with this and panic/anxiety,i asked my doctor he just said its panic/anxiety but people keep mentioning this to me and lots on here,why?are the symptons the same?can somebody advice me or answer my questions as i dont want to google as the dreaded word will be there.thanks tracy:hugs:

14-05-07, 14:00
I had a thyroid test done 2 years ago, cos I was having palpatations and panic attacks.....my doctor listened to my heart and said I think I know whats going on here and we are going to get to the bottom of it all, he said I think its your thyroid :ohmy: so had the test done and it was normal!

Last week I mentioned it to the doctor again cos Ive had trouble loosing weight, he looked on the computor and said your last test was normal but that doesnt mean anything , apparently it can take lots and lots of test to find out if it is your throid, they often come back normal when the are not normal. But cos I have deep set veins I didnt fancy having another test.
I get tiered alot and cold alot, and my body temprature is always low so I think I do have a thryoid problem but its undiagnosed.

Also, A lady I vist thru my job, she suffered for 10 years before finding out it was her thryoid, they tested her every year and then found out in the end.

If you believe it could be thryroid you need to have regular tests.

14-05-07, 15:39
I've had a couple of thyroid function tests as underactive and overactive run in my family but they both came back normal.

21-06-07, 18:01
just got my results back today and it was normal, I asked was it just in normal or borderline but they didnt know ?

22-06-07, 08:53
I have had an underactive thyroid for nearly 12 years. I have hashimotos disease. My gp has upped my levels of thyroxine, as she said my thyroid was struggling to function.

I have no idea if it causes my anxiety. I suspect not, though.

Love Josephinex

22-06-07, 21:41
I had a blood test for thyroid 3 months ago and it came back normal but borderline. I'm therefore having another blood test next week to see if it's changed. My GP arranged for a blood test because he thought my throat looked a little unusual but said it's probably how I was built!

Tam one of the symptoms of your thyroid playing up is anxiety which is why tests are sometimes done. Your thyroid gland controls the amount of energy released in your body so when overactive releases to much and when underactive releases too little.

Hope this helps.

Take care,

27-06-07, 13:39
Can stress effect your thyroid? My problems were brought on by stress and i became depressed, had chronic anxiety and panic attacks and lost about a stone in weight (im 8st normally and my diet didn't change as far as im aware). My doctor has never offered me a thyroid test though......

20-09-07, 15:11
I haven't been tested for a thyroid problem but keep coming across the symptoms for an overactive thyroid

i've lost probably about 2 stone since my first panic
i'm feeling hot alot more now, mums got the heating on and i'm sittin in my underwear lol
i'm quite thirsty now these days
i've got anxiety
sometimes get a lumpy achey feeling where my thyroid is

but i have health anxiety and could just be coming down with a cold so what do u reckon, should i get checked out as my nan and auntie both have underactive thyroids



24-09-07, 15:38
iv been diagnosed with underactive thyroid, so i dont really understand why im having anxiety disorder. cos i thought it generally happens to people who suffer from over active thyroid?

Ma Larkin
22-10-07, 10:49
I got diagnosed with underactive thyroid 3 weeks ago. Been having tests for months now. GP has started me off on 100 micrograms of Levothyroxine and I have to go back next week for more blood tests to see how I'm going on.

Anna C
13-01-08, 14:46
I have just seen this thread and I'm finding it really interesting.
As only yesterday I was reading an article in a magazine about a woman who has an underactive thyroid her symptoms were bursting into tears alot having to clear her throat alot and forgetting things.

I did'nt think of depression or anxiety at the time but I often seem to -have a
frog in my throat - and often have to clear my throat, if I don't do this before I speak my voice sounds really gruff and hoarse. Also my memory has been bad for awhile. So I might get it checked out.

Take Care Anna xhttp://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon7.gif

13-01-08, 15:17
hi anna i have anxiety and depresion i have been diagnosed with underactive thyroid gland ,the doc as said my thyroid gland can cause anxiety panic depresion hoarsy voice a so on .im on 200mg of thryroxine a day and was put on antidepresents aswell .its worth having it checked so glad i did tc elaine xxx:yesyes:

Anna C
13-01-08, 17:34
Hi Elaine,

Thanks for telling me about your experience. Do you think your symptoms including depression and anxiety have improved since you have been on medication for your thyroid? Also how long has it been since you were diagnosed?

I hope you don't mind the questions, and thank you if you can help. Anna http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon7.gif

13-01-08, 21:44
I've also been reading about this and it seems that the USA has different margins than the U.K. so you might get treatment elwhere while in Britain you're deemed to be functioning properly.! I'm thinking of getting some Kelp tablets to try and see if they get rid of my wretched tiredness.

14-01-08, 03:27
hi anna ive had thyroid probs for bout six years now and it as been controled by thyroxine but if im not on the rite dose of thyroxine i become anxious and depressed ,i was underdosed on thyroxine bout six months ago and my depresion and anxiety came bk and the doc as said its definetly my thyroid causing my probs hopefuly im now on the rite dose which is 200mg at the mo until i have a further blood test which is usualy every 3 2 6 months ,feel free to ask me anymore quistions and il try to answer them ,tc elaine xxx

20-06-08, 14:03
Mine came back normal.
Its awfult to say but i was almost disappointed, if it had come back as the root of all these horrible feelings i get i would probably have cheered!!! (sorry if this offends anyone with a thyroid problem!).

20-06-08, 20:00
I had a blood test that said I had a under active thyroid and polycysitic ovary syndrome. So I am trying to diet to help with my symtoms, but execrcising is hard when so tired.
I had depression/social anxiety long before I got this test on my thyroid. I would love to say I am feeling better but I am not really.

23-06-08, 15:35
Popsy I know what you mean. More and more I get the symptoms of overactive but my blood in March was normal. Can they be wrong I wonder?

17-07-08, 21:40
hi everyone

Thought I might add my experiences to this thread in the hope they may help someone. I had symptoms of both hyper and hypo (over and under) thyroidism. I had the weight gain and lethargy mixed with palpitations and anxiety. I also had large goitres which are swellings in the thyroid gland itself. After numerous tests came back normal it was decided to remove the thyroid gland altogether because it was becoming unsightly. I had this done at Christmas just gone.

The result is ....... no change unfortunately. My results leading up to the removal had shown normal - but on investigation they were at the lower end of the scale but classed within normal limits. I am now on thyroxine everyday but the anxiety is still plaguing me. In fact, strangely, I felt my most un-anxious whilst I was in hospital. I think maybe the thyroid may have had something to do with the anxiety originally but then the fear and negativity takes hold and keeps it thriving, if you know what I mean.

So to sum up I think the thyroid gland has a massive effect on the way you feel but I was hoping, like others, once removed or treated it would be the end of my anxiety. But alas no - bugger eh??

My advice would be to others not to accept the phrase "within normal limits". Check what your results are and know what is low and what is high - and persevere if you are still feeling unwell.

Kind thoughts and hugs to all

Janie x

07-12-08, 11:19
I also suffer from anxiety but I have been suffering from overactive/underactive thyroid for a while.

Even when the levels are well within the reference range, the anxiety is still there so not quite sure if the link between anxiety and thyroid is real as I can see from the votes, a lot of people suffer from anxiety when they have normal thyroid function.

12-01-09, 08:14

I to have an underactive thyroid, have had for about 15 years now and take 200mgs of thyroxine daily, When I have my yearly blood check it still always comes back underactive but they cant give me any more medication. Doc tells me to take meds as soon as getting up to see if will help - who knows? - Haven't got a clue if this contributes to anxiety though - never even occurred to me!.

Take care

01-05-09, 21:04
hi i posted on another thread i have had probs wiv feet burning tingling pain in both now a bit in my hands i have tremendous anxiety had some test - ana ok, esr ok, bit of a worryover auto immune but my thyroid test normal BUT i had an antibody test for thyroid (not done that often) came back positive range 40 mine 560 possible autoimmune low thyroid not sure how they will treat cos tsh for thyroid normal - if u believe u have a prob ask for the autoimmune test for thyroid anti-thyroglobulin and another will find out if somebody wants to know x

26-06-09, 10:46
Had a complete thyroidectomy for graves disease 15 years ago. Recently tested way to high. Apparently I've been over dosing for a while. Palpitations and anxiety. Still trying to normalize after about a month.

04-09-09, 21:09
ive had an under active thyroid for years now,,,yes i find it does affect my moods ,,also causes the dull ache in my throat,,but ive learnt to live with it,,

07-09-09, 14:48
Had thyroid function and antibody tests earlier this year, both normal, but have a small goiter which is very slowly continuing to enlarge.

Can't get away from thinking this is somehow related to my "post-viral fatigue which limits my life so much

17-09-09, 19:21
Got my results today - all normal

27-09-09, 23:29
i have a very high level of an overactive one symptoms r quite nasty

17-10-09, 14:56
I have just been diagnosed with over-active thyroid (hyper-thyroidism) due to Graves disease. Doc now has me on medical treatment to reduce thyroid activity and says after some time taking these tabs it may go back to normal. Surgery or radio-iodine are options for the future if necessary.

I was most interested in the link between anxiety and thyroid. I told specialist that I have had anxiety for about 5 years now, but have also suffered from depression on and off for about 18 years. She said there's a good possibility the thyroid could have been contributing factor in my problems with anxiety.

I wish I had known about this test before. I do feel that with the depression as an indicator I am likely to suffer with anxiety as I'm a born worrier, but interesting to find out about thyroid too.

Thanks for original post. Its good to read about other people's experiences as always.

17-10-09, 16:35
I was convinced I had something wrong with my thyroid as I have a lot of the symptoms (nausea, feeling hot all the time, fatigue etc). Mine came back normal but I still don't believe the results. There was a woman on This Morning last year who had a thyroid condition that went undiagnosed for over 10 years despite her having thyroid tests and them all coming back normal. Apparantly the general ones Dr's do are rubbish and you need to see a specialist who can read the results better

26-10-09, 17:16
I currently have a very rapid heartbeat and a strong sensation of heat in my body.

I was diagnosed years ago with a slightly overactive thyroid - should I go and get it checked again and is overactive very dangerous? I'm worried.