View Full Version : Tea causing panic attacks?

26-11-11, 15:34
Hiya all. I think I may be sensitive to caffeine.

My last bad panic attack I had was a couple of weeks ago, and it happend after drinking a cup of tea.

This morning I had a cup of tea (the first since 2 weeks ago) and about 10 minutes after drinking it I couldnt breathe, felt shaky heart pounding - full blown panic attack.

I use pg tips. Its like all of a sudden I am so sensitive to caffeine and I dont know why!!
Can it be the tea? Does tea set you off?

Anyone else sensitive to caffeine?


26-11-11, 15:42
I stopped drinking tea ages ago because it gives me palpitations. I think that we are so sensitive to things that it's best to stay off tea for a while.

26-11-11, 15:49
I agree I think I will stop drinking it, I feel like crap and I didnt even drink a full cup! so not worth it xx

26-11-11, 16:40
I drink camomile or mistletoe tea now

26-11-11, 17:03
Mistletoe tea sounds so christmassy! I have camomile for my ibs in the cupboard, had it once but hate the taste lol xx

26-11-11, 18:11
Try caffeine free, PG Tips and Tetley do them, and they taste pretty much the same as the normal stuff

26-11-11, 18:33
thanks for the tip will try that x

26-11-11, 18:43
I take mistletoe because it's supposed to be good for palpitations.

26-11-11, 18:48
i drink decaff tea, coffee and coke, so you're not alone, i feel caffine makes me feel anxious too, so don't take it at all

26-11-11, 18:54
Hi pinkdove, is there such thing as decaf coke? I am intrigued as ive stopped drinking fizzy drinks but miss them!

26-11-11, 18:59
yes decaff diet coke, a gold label, and adsa do their own brand only 54p a bottle and it is really nice try it, it tastes just the same as diet coke x

26-11-11, 19:01
thats great!! thanks for letting me know, best go get my decaf coke and tea :D xx

26-11-11, 19:02
I have camomile too, with a teaspoon of honey. Anything sugary sets me off, caffeine makes it twice as bad. So coke, coffee...

26-11-11, 19:21
I quite like honey, so will try that :)

22-05-12, 09:46
I know this is an oldish post, but just wanted to add...

I gave up the caffeine 15 years ago for this very reason - panic attacks. Decaf tea and, occasionally, coke now.

In my experience, PG Tips is the absolute worst for giving me panic attacks. By the time I was half-way through a cup I was a wreck. My decaf tetley go everywhere with me now, and I DON'T CARE what people think in cafes/restaurants/their houses etc when I pull out my own bag!

22-05-12, 10:37
There is such a thing as sugar-free caffeine free Coke. It tastes horrible though.


22-05-12, 10:44
I don't think the tea caused it
it can cause anxiety but i dont think it would work that quick

22-05-12, 12:13
Ten minutes is long enough for the caffeine to work its way in to your system. Caffeine made me more anxious too when I was suffering.

22-05-12, 20:49
If I have one cup of normal caffeinated tea or coffee, I am in a panic for the whole of the day, now I drink decaf filter coffee, because it's as close to the real thing as is possible.