View Full Version : waking up through the night

26-11-11, 16:35
i was just wondering if anyone else woke up through the night like feeling breathless or feeling like its hard to breathe and have a stuffy nose? I can drop off to sleep alright (only if im propt up as i cant breathe properly lying flat) and then i wake up most nights just not been able to breathe right at all, so i try and stay calm but i can feel my breathing getting faster and faster so i switch the tele back on and just play on my ds a bit to try and divert my mind type thing.
I cant see how its anxiety at all, im sick of breathing problems 24/7 and i cant even escape it in my sleep.

also does anyone else have dreams of anxiety related things? like i always have a dreams like i cant breathe, or like im breathless and lying on the floor, or like lastnite i dreamt that i was finding out how much cbt classes privately would be and talking to an old mate about how bad my anxiety is. I just cant escape it.

I also had to start taking a tablet a day for 18 weeks day. its aspirin because i am 18 weeks pregnant and have something wrong with the blood flow on the right side of my womb, and i took my fist tablet this morning and all day i have been waiting for something bad to happen, like an allergic reaction, if something bad was going to happen would it of happened by now and do you think im safe to take it again 2moro. I took it at 8.15 this morning and its only 75mg.

PLease someone reply, all replies are reassuring and im so sorry that its long. I just feel this sites for letting off steam etc.

26-11-11, 19:22
Hi there xjust sarahx

Congrats on your pregnancy.
The tablets you are taking, who told you to take them? If your midwife or doctor have told you to take them, then it must be ok to do so. Ive had 3 children and they dont put you at risk when your pregnant. So i wouldnt worry you will be fine. If you are taking them on your own recomendations then i wouldnt id see you GP asap.

At times you can panic and the more you think of something the worse it can get. Esp when your pregnant your mind is all over the place. Just try to think of your baby and take deep breaths. I cant really be much more help. I hope you feel better soon.:hugs:

26-11-11, 19:30
I always know when my anxiety is really bad because I will start dreaming about it...just had an awful dream last night that yet another family member died (I lost 2 grandparents only six months apart recently) and in my dream I couldn't breathe and was trying not to go into a full blown panic attack. Well, I didn't do too good of a job because I woke up to a mini attack and spent an hour trying to get back to sleep.

About the pill you took, if your were to get an allergic reaction it most likely would have happened by now. I think your safe to take it again but you can always double check with your doctor if you're concerned. Xx