View Full Version : ANYBODY here Anemic or suffered with it? Can you advise? Concerned?

26-11-11, 16:41
Hello again :hugs:

For the past two days I've been feeling super tired, yesterday I thought it was the fact i had a long night with my 12 week old getting only a few hours sleep.

When pregnant I was really tired and they told me my iron levels were too low and put me on iron tablets..the same happened after my c-sec on returning home.

Since the anxiety kicked off my appetite has been next to none and maybe only manage to have tea...plus I'm on Sertraline which is driving me crazy with the side effects

Today I am tired again, feel dizzy, cold feet, I feel weak when I'm walking around like my legs are going to give way, headache and I do look pale which my husband pointed out, my hearts doing this funny thing

Ive dug out the left over iron pills (I didn't take them for too long) and took one about 2 hours ago...not much improvement though....

I'm a little worried, any advise.....not sure if these symptoms above are feeding the anxiety....:scared15:

26-11-11, 16:50

I have all these issues when my iron levels are low, iron pills take a while to kick in maybe a wk or so, try to eat alot of iron riched foods. Also have you had your thyroid checked?

Lele x

26-11-11, 17:05
Hiyer. I have a tendency to become anaemic for a number of reasons, one being that I am veggie. A couple of years ago I gradually became very anaemic without really knowing as it was such a slow change, I could not climb the stairs without feeling really breathless. I also felt dizzy when standing up and my heart rate was fast and thumping. The blood count showed that I was very anaemic and I was started on 3 iron tablets a day, well spaced out over time and taken with food. Ferrous sulphate tablets don't work instantly, it takes a number of weeks before the levels of haemoglobin increase. I was told that I should take iron tablets for at least 4/6 months to bring the levels back to where they should be. How long did you take yours for, as if your baby is only 12 weeks and you had low iron after the CS, I would doubt that you took them for long enough.

You probably have a combination of things going on I reckon; anaemia, exhaustion from having a young baby and anxiety. Each of the problems can make the other worse e.g. anaemia can increase your anxiety and exhaustion, exhaustion can increase your anxiety and anxiety can increase your exhaustion. What I mean is that they can all interelated to make you feel pretty awful. Your side effects from the Sertraline are another problem AND the fact that you are not eating !!!!!! Your blood sugars will get very low and if you are anxious and looking after a baby, then it won't be surprising you are feeling dreadful. Get a blood test done as soon as you can I should think and talk through the medication side effects with your doctor. You MUST eat though and try and get some more rest, even light nibbles through the day if you can't amange meals.

26-11-11, 17:59
I am and it was found out after i had a section also in feb. The doctor explained thats why i be feeling weak and really tired all the time and breathless etc. My appetite and thats low and next to none but that could just be because of anxiety and been low in mood all the time. Just eat lost of greens like brocolli, sprouts, cabbage, red meat etc even if u dont like them, i make an extra effort to and im sure it all does help as my iron levels where not as bad as before and that was just after the first lot of course.

29-11-11, 08:10

Many thanks for your replys....ok so I thought I would keep you updated on this....I'm still taking the iron tablets on day 3 now taking twice a day as self medicating...I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. I cannot believe it....yesterday on taking my second pill I suddenly had this wave of energy and everything looked clear, the colour has started to come back into my face, last night I actually managed to go to sleep without major panic beforehand....THIS IS NOT A MENTAL WAY OF THINKING. the pills have made a huge difference.

I'm going to arrange to get bloods taken soon to check....

I did do doctor Google and found that all the symptoms of this apart from a couple are very similar to anxiety plus when suffering from iron deficiency anaemia it actually brings on anxiety.....still a few symptoms like achy muscles but much much better....

The symptoms for IDA are as follows

Anxiety often resulting in OCD type compulsions and obsessions
Irritability or a low feeling
Mouth ulcers
Hair loss
Fainting or feeling faint
Breathlessness on exertion.
Twitching muscles
Tingling, numbness, or burning sensations
Missed menstrual cycle
Heavy menstrual period
Slow social development
Glossitis (inflammation or infection of the tongue)
Angular cheilitis (inflammatory lesions at the mouth's corners)
Koilonychia (spoon-shaped nails) or nails that are weak or brittle
Poor appetite
Pruritus (Itchiness)
Dysphagia due to formation of esophageal webs (Plummer-vinson syndrome).

I will honestly say if you have not had your bloods taken and you feel any of the above get it done as it could be something simple that can be rectified pretty quick.

I'm no longer feeling tired like I was so can enjoy my day a bit more now...the only thing is I am going to need to force myself to eat...I only manage tea...which is prob why this happened.


29-11-11, 08:26
That's an interesting and very long list of symptoms. I had no idea that anaemia could cause anxiety. My very first symptoms back when I was 15 cover a lot of those you list, including anxiety. I wasn't given a blood test for 2yrs would you believe, by which time my anxiety was so deeply entrenched that it's never gone.

29-11-11, 08:33
I had anaemia in my early twenties, i felt so exhausted all of the time and the thing that i had was that i got breathless! i used to go to church then and when we were singing i couldn't finish due to breathlessness. It didn't take long with iron pills though and i was sorted. Also a handy tip i learnt was if you're eating iron rich foods drink some orange juice with them as that helps to absorb iron.