View Full Version : Scared now......

26-11-11, 21:30
So, I've convinced myself yet again I have ALS! Went to the docs yesterday, usually the doc just reassures me its my anxiety playing up, but the doc I seen yesterday said he didn't know what my symptoms could be caused by.
He said he wants me to have blood tests to find the problem and he's testing for about 15 different things. When I expressed a concern for ALS he said he wouldn't want to say its not and it then turn out to be. This has really frightened me! Why couldn't he just say its not?
Am I over reacting or does this sound like he's concerned? I can't stop thinking about it now and the blood tests aren't for a week and half so will be two weeks before I know :weep:

26-11-11, 23:04
I think your dr, is just taking bloods to put your mind at rest, just being thorogh, so don'y worry too much, and when the tests come back negative, think how good you'll feel, good luck x