View Full Version : I am sick of going red !!!

27-11-11, 05:24

I am a 33 year old male and I am suffering from something that a teenage girl might. I am sick to death of going red at the simplest of moments. If anyone looks at me to talk, I go red, I can't talk to checkout staff without boiling up like a tomato, same with any staff in any shop. It is SO bad now that it is happening when I talk to friends and family too.

God help me if I bump in to someone I partly know and they decide to stop to chat, burning face moment !!

Swear or make rude comment ? Red face.
Ask me a question about me ? Red face.
Get angry with me ? Red face.

I remember once a person I slightly knew said they best leave as they are embarrassing me, a I went red, even though I was just listening. So clearly it was obvious. Another person asked if I was okay as I had turned bright red. Damn it is so obvious. The worse thing is now that it is happening with family and friends I am feeling even more annoyed by it. I can feel it starting and I have to grip my hands behind my back and squeeze HARD to try and quell it, but it doesn't always work. I think I have been suffering from anxiety and a form of depression or GAD since I was 19. Does this all sound like a link to that ? I think I remember going red a lot even before I was 19, but never to this extent. Would anti-depressants stop this happening ?

27-11-11, 13:19
Hi Jonny,

I can really relate to this. I go bright red at the slightest thing as well... but not a uniform red...oh no! i go a jigsaw-like blotchiness. People ask me if i'm having an allergic reaction etc all the time. Hate it. I feel it holds me back at work, but am also learning to accept that is how I am.

I once met a girl who had the same bright-red blotchiness... made me feel much less self-conscious about my own.

does your colour change happen quite quickly... i find I can go from pale and interesting to looking like i'm having an allergic reaction in about 2 seconds!!

Jess xxx