View Full Version : Stress and Health Anxiety How To Handle

27-11-11, 08:39
Well where do I start.......again?

I split from my husband of 17 years on 30th August, on 1st November I moved from Leicestershire to West Yorkshire as I we were living in an army house and when I split we were forced to move out. Although this split has been something I have wanted for many many years, I am really struggling to adjust to being a single Mum and living on benefits. I know I have been through alot but my thought pattern seems to continually be "is this how its going to be?".

My health anxiety is coming back, so far I have worried about kidney problems due to a UTi which I have been prescribed anti biotics for. I have worried about diabetes from having a dry mouth and also cervical cancer from aches in my back.

I suppose being a single Mum I am terrified for my children. I seem to also be losing hair, albeit I don't have bald patches but definately thinning at the sides and of course I worry it will turn into Alapecia!

I understand that these are all thoughts mainly but I worry about the harms of stress and how prolonged stress can bring on ailments and Dieases, I just want to feel content and calm, are there any medications that could help calm me down?

27-11-11, 08:51
Hi so sorry your going thro a hard time :hugs: have u seen your doctor about the way your feeling? When i left my ex 5 yrs ago it took alot of courage to do so and i left my lovely house with just my car and mine and my sons belongings in bin bags, i was fine for a few weeks,i think it was relief that i had left, i moved in with my parents for a few weeks then i moved into a flat and i crashed, i went to the doctors and was prescribed ad's and sleeping tablets and slowly got back on my feet, its totally understandable the way ur feeling its just reaction to everything youve been thro, go and have a chat with ur doc hun, good luck and well done for getting this far xx

I Will Overcome
27-11-11, 16:33
Hi there :) I too am sorry that you're having a hard time. I agree with Nicola ... it all sounds very normal that you would feel somewhat anxious. You've been very courageous in taking control of your life, being a single Mum is never easy, and holy cow ... it's alot! Please do go and have a chat with your GP. You have taken so many steps to this place .... what's a couple more? oxoxo

27-11-11, 18:08
Hello :hugs:

Well I have to say well done for being an Army wife! I am also married to someone who has been in the army for 13 years and know how hard it can be, moving bad house's etc. I also too lost my hair twice from getting alopecia areata while he was away from stress.....
I also suffer from health anxiety I have been precribed Citalopram which didn't work for me and am now on Sertraline which I am still adjusting to as the side effects if you get them are a little scary.....

Being a single Mum can be stressful I sometimes feel like one with my two as my husband works a lot....

Now your settled do you have friends and family around? I always find a good chat and some fresh air really calms me down....

Get an appointment with your doctor and tell him how you feel....he will give you the medication if he feels needed....

Let us know how you get on....your def not alone....

28-11-11, 10:10
Thank you for your replies.

If its not one thing its another, I detest it. I was not expecting being a single Mum on benefits to be easy, I have my parents round the corner and they have been brilliant as far as housing me and my boys are concerned and they bought a house for me, which I rent from them through my benefits which I am blessed for.

Today is another day, last night I was on quite a high, full of energy and in a great mood. I am due on this week so that always makes my anxiety increase. My latest worry was that a week ago today I weighed myself, I am overweight and I am keeping an eye on things. So last week I was 16.8 1/2 and I weighed myself on Saturday and was 16.4 1/2 and this morning I am 16.3 3/4. So I am now worried that I could be diabetic, my ex husband was a type 1 diabetic and whilst I haven't noticed uncontrollable hunger, thirst etc I can't help but worry and surely if I am due on I should weigh more?

I know I am being silly but at the moment it all feels so real. I just want to feel at ease. I know that it was health issues that were going on around me at the time that triggered off my panic attacks and health anxiety and so for me it always tends to be cervical worries, diabetic or heart fears.

I was unwell last week and had anti-biotics for a UTI and I have to take a sample back to my Doctor on Friday so I think it is sensible to talk to them. I always start having panic attacks when I see the Doctor though, terrified that he suggests I have a blood test and then the worry that accompanys it for me.

3 years ago I had a routine blood test because I was feeling unwell, I fainted and then when I came round I fainted again, this was what triggered my health anxiety and before I got over this shock my husband was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and then a neighbour died of cervical cancer aged 31 leaving 2 children, I remember seeing the ambulance and police outside her house on the day she died, then a friends husand had a stroke aged 37 and it just seemed to be all around me. It gave me a wake up call I say as it told me that it could happen to me which is now why I worry so much.

I don't have any friends in the town where I live yet, normally you meet other Mum's in the School playground but sadly 99% of the parents at my children's school are Asian and in their own groups. My cousin is coming to see me tonight and I haven't seen her for 10 years, she was an army wife to and suffered years of being beaten up consistently by her ex, I am hoping talking to her will be the tonic I need.

Thanks for reading my droan xx

28-11-11, 11:58
Wow that's a lot of things happening at once,,,easily enough to bring something like this on. I had an old friend who unfortunately passed away in October...it was so sudden (alcohol related). One day he was there the next in hospital, i went to visit him and almost had a panic attack because he looked so different, skinny etc etc.....As I enjoy a couple of drinks I can't help look at myself and think god I look skinny these days and my tummys a little bloated....(only had a baby 12 weeks ago) it scares the life out of me.....

With regards to friends I don't have many here either, people come and go as you will know a good friend just moved back home up north as her husband terminated.

I have to rant to my husband who just thinks I'm crazy or something.....

Having your cousin come see you will be good, you can both have a drink and winge about men...:)

28-11-11, 12:28
Why are we always so hard on ourselves, just wish I could be how I used to be and to never think about illness unless I actually was?

I have just been Vaxing the carpets in the dining room and the stairs and now feel a little shakey, I am immediately thinking its diabetes it has to be, I am sure if I ate something it would make me feel less shakey but I suppose, again, being due on this week then maybe its sugar I need?

Oh how I wish I could brush this sh** off. Thanks for replying it does help and its such a comfort to know people are in the same boat xxxx

29-11-11, 03:08
My health anxiety is coming back, so far I have worried about kidney problems due to a UTi which I have been prescribed anti biotics for. I have worried about diabetes from having a dry mouth and also cervical cancer from aches in my back.